FMU president Akena to hold talks with Mbarara Motor Club

Jun 12, 2024

Rukaari’s announcement came during the club general meeting on Sunday in Mbarara and was greeted with approval from members.

MMC members at the new club office in Mbarara. PHOTO: Aloysius Byamukama

Aloysius Byamukama
Journalist @New Vision

The president of the Federation of Motorsport Club in Uganda (FMU) Jimmy Akena is set to meet Mbarara Motor Club (MMC) president Lillian Busingye over the impasse between the local motorsport governing body and the Mbarara-based club.

There has been a standoff between MMC and the former FMU administration of former president Dipu Ruparelia ever since he assumed the hierarchy of the federation in 2020 which has seen Mbarara Motor Club (MMC) twice stripped of the organisation rights of their own Mbarara rally 2023 and 2024.

This has not gone well with Busingye and her club officials who saw them twice petition the decisions.

However, in a bid to rectify the situation with the new executive led by president-elect Akena, MMC life member and MP Mbarara City North Mwesigwa Rukaari has offered to mediate between club president Busingye and the federation.

Rukaari’s announcement came during the club general meeting on Sunday in Mbarara and was greeted with approval from members.

“I have talked to Akena and he has welcomed the suggestion that we meet and iron out these differences because, in life, it is all about harmony and peaceful living that we look up to. We shall therefore meet on Wednesday (June 12) and we are hopeful a peaceful resolution will come out,” Rukaari said.

Mwesigwa’s move comes at a time when Busingye has petitioned the local sports federation governing body National Council of Sports (NCS) challenging the election of Akena as president, which she says is unconstitutional.

Akena was elected as FMU president in a federation elective assembly on May 1, after polling 56 votes compared to George Kagimu (16) and driver John Burrows Lumu who managed 2 votes in a landslide for the Lira Municipality Member of Parliament.

However, in a petition seen by New Vision, Mbarara’s Busingye contests this election and the entire executive, reasoning that the election was out of order since the electorate had not been elected from their respective clubs to delegate at the national assembly and also that the FMU tenure expired on February 3, 2024.

At the same meeting, a new club office was also officially opened in Mbarara for the first time in many years since the one that was housed at late Charles Muhangi’s Horizon premises in Mbarara was taken over.

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