Nebbi pilgrims reach Buganda

May 22, 2024

The region covers the central region of Uganda, including the capital city of Kampala and Wakiso district, which is home to the Namugongo Catholic Martyrs Shrine, where the pilgrims are headed.

Nebbi pilgrims are closing in on Kampala. After covering over 200 kilometers, they are only 120 kilometers away from Kampala. (Photo by Hannington Mutabazi)

Hannington Mutabazi
Journalist @New Vision


Nebbi Catholic Diocese have set off from Migyera in Nakasonga district having spent the night there.

The pilgrims on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, woke up at 5:00 am, had Mass and by 6:00 am, they had resumed their trek.

Most of the residents of Migyera town were still indoors, except for a few roosters that had already started crowing.

The pilgrims have now gone through two regions, West Nile and Bunyoro; they are now in Buganda. The region covers the central region of Uganda, including the capital city of Kampala and Wakiso district, which is home to the Namugongo Catholic Martyrs Shrine, where the pilgrims are headed.

Today (Wednesday), the pilgrims expect to stop for the night at Sasira, still in Nakasongola. They have now covered over 200km since they started their trek from Nebbi district on Wednesday (May 15).

Restful stay in Migyera

Having covered over 25km from Kafu, the pilgrims reached Migyera at about 2:30 pm. The arduous journey from Kafu had taken them almost 10 hours.

The pilgrims were welcomed by the Rev. Fr. Joseph Wagunywa, who promised to take good care of them until they hit the road again.

On security, the officer in charge (OC) ASP Eva Namulondo assured them of a safe stay in Migyera.

While in Migyera, they enjoyed a comforting stay in the gigantic compound with well-cut grass and trees almost everywhere, giving enough shade. The over 500 pilgrims scattered everywhere in the compound. 

Late in the evening, some rested on their polythene bags, while some, especially the men, showered from the corners of the compound hidden behind the trees.

It threatened to rain, but the pilgrims were unfazed because the classes where they would sleep if it started were near. Other pilgrims had already moved into them, while others remained defiant in the compound with faith that it wouldn’t rain – indeed, it didn’t rain.

Mother Mary grotto

What stood out for the pilgrims in Migeyra was the Mother Mary grotto. The sculpture stood firmly in the compound, just beside the church.

At the grotto, the pilgrims fell to their knees, others laid on their bellies and others touched it while they prayed through Mother Mary to intercede for them. Most of them were deep in prayer, and others recited their rosaries.

Devotion in prayer has been a constant trait for the pilgrims. Every time they get an opportunity to pray, they kneel and cry out to God, seeking him for the different reasons they are trekking to Namugongo.

They also constantly pray through the Uganda Martyrs to inspire them to have the courage and be able to sacrifice for this journey to Namugongo successfully.

Although most of the pilgrims were in prayer, a few loitered about looking for a quick snack while others adventured out in the town. The young ones, especially the boys, ran from one corner to another.

The pilgrims hope that before dusk, they will have reached their resting point for the night in Sasira. It’s over 25km from Migyera.

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