Police offer sh10m for wanted lecturer, warn public

May 20, 2024

Eron, 56, a university lecturer, is wanted for the alleged aggravated defilement of a 16-year-old visually impaired girl.

Police spokesperson Fred Enanga. (Photo by Mpalanyi Ssentongo)

Simon Masaba
Journalist @New Vision


The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (CID) has announced a reward of sh10m for anyone with credible information leading to the arrest of Dr Lawrence Eron.

Eron, 56, a university lecturer, is wanted for the alleged aggravated defilement of a 16-year-old visually impaired girl.

Police spokesperson Fred Enanga says Lawrence, who previously served as the dean of the Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation at Kyambogo University, is accused of using his position and the project "All we see is possibility" to gain the trust of the victim.

According to the CID, Eron is currently believed to be hiding within the country with the assistance of close relatives and friends. The public is warned that harbouring or aiding his escape is an offense punishable by law, according to Enanga

"We urge anyone with credible information about Dr Eron Lawrence's whereabouts to pass it to the nearest Police station or contact CID headquarters at Kibuli on telephone number 0741-111-333," stated a spokesperson during a press briefing at the Police headquarters in Naguru, Nakawa divison, Kampala.

He continued: A wanted poster has been circulated on the police website and social media platforms, emphasizing that there is no hiding place beyond the reach of the law. The police encourage Eron to turn himself in and defend himself against the allegations.

"We will continue our pursuit until Dr Lawrence is apprehended and brought to justice," Enanga added.

For further information or to report any details, the public is encouraged to contact CID Headquarters at the provided telephone number.

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