Hostel tales; 'how my roommate would grind her teeth and sleepwalk'

May 24, 2024

Tusabomu her friend used to sleepwalk and biting (grinding) her teeth at night, something that scared the hell out of her. 

Teddy Tusabomu Mukama second year law student at Nkumba University. (Credit: Ritah Mukasa)

Ritah Mukasa
Journalist @New Vision


Freshers are about to start their university journey and everyone has to find a place to stay. 

Whether you choose a hall of residence or hostel, you will meet colleagues who will give you a memorable or dreadful experience. 

Some of these are extremely toxic to get along with but you have to maneuver through the murky waters. 

Teddy Tusabomu Mukama second year law student at Nkumba University shares her experience;

My roommate from hell

Hostel life has made me appreciate that some people are groomed while others just grow up or pick up bad manners along the way. 

I have had unpleasant experiences with roommates, but the most notable one was the proverbial roommate from hell.

She was very beautiful with a well-shaped body. She came asking for space and I took her in; so eager to make a good friend, but I regretted it.

One week later, she started sleepwalking and biting (grinding) her teeth at night, something that scared the hell out of me. 

I would barely sleep. As if that was not bad enough, she was too lazy that she refused to do simple chores like washing dishes and mopping. 

Whenever I reminded her, she would quarrel for hours, insisting that she was an adult and therefore, she knew what to do without being pushed.

After, she would still refuse to do anything. That aside, she would always return deep in the night and bang the door so hard, inconveniencing the neighbors and if I complained, she would hurl abuses and insults at me. 

We were never at loggerheads and I am glad she later on changed rooms at her own will.
On how to handle a toxic roommate, Dickson Tumuramye, a parenting counsellor advises to speak up because your roommate might not know that her actions are irritating you.

However, speak in a polite manner and tell them when something bothers you. Avoiding to talk about it will upset you more.

But also, make sure you listen to them, understand their perspective, and come to a compromise.

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