Why enumerators turned down Museveni's tea offer

May 12, 2024

".................I urge all Ugandans to fully cooperate as this information will be crucial for planning purposes," President Museveni posted on his social media platform X formerly Twitter.

The enumerators who went to pick information from President Yoweri Museveni and his family turned down the President's offer for a cup of tea. (Credit: X/@KagutaMuseveni)

Apollo Mubiru
Journalist @New Vision


KAMPALA - The enumerators who went to pick information from President Yoweri Museveni and his family only meant business.

The team turned down the President's offer for a cup of tea.

"Maama Janet and I participated in the national census civic exercise this afternoon at Nakasero. I am pleased with the questions because they collect personal data and cover various other areas that indicate our economy, growth, and needs. I urge all Ugandans to fully cooperate as this information will be crucial for planning purposes," President Museveni posted on his social media platform X formerly Twitter.

He added, "The enumerators declined my offer of tea, stating that the rules prohibited them from accepting it. Maama and I complied with the rules, which is beneficial because some individuals might attempt to offer them alcohol, causing them to neglect their duties."

The executive director of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Dr Chris Mukiza, has revealed that they managed to cover a total of 560,000 households on day one of the National Population and Housing Census (NPHC).

“The reason we asked for a public holiday was for recall purposes and we managed to cover 560,000 households out of one million, which was our target for day one,” he said on Saturday (May 11) while featuring on one of the morning radio talk-shows in Kampala.

The 10-day NPHC, which is running under the theme, ‘It matters to be counted’, kicked off on Friday, May 10, with May 9 as the ‘census night’, where enumerators moved door-to-door to collect data from residents of households.

UBOS is spearing the exercise that has seen the use of digital technology in collecting, processing, and disseminating the results for the first time in Uganda.


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