Uganda to take six to para-badminton tourney in Egypt

Jan 17, 2024

The team consists of five female players namely Rita Asiimwe, Elizabeth Mwesigwa, Rose Nansereko, Shamim Mutesi, and Sarah Nazziwa, while the men include Hassan Mubiru and Ali Mukasa.

Uganda to take six to para-badminton tourney in Egypt

Silvano Kibuuka
Journalist @New Vision

Uganda para-badminton players are set to travel to Egypt for the inaugural Egyptian international tournament slated for January 22 to 28 in Cairo.

Although the team has had a short time training at Lugogo Indoor Arena, the players are determined to have a podium finish as they strive to collect points to qualify for the Paris 2024 Paralympics.

Elizabeth Mwesigwa trains

Elizabeth Mwesigwa trains

Hassan Mubiru

Hassan Mubiru

The team consists of five female players namely Rita Asiimwe, Elizabeth Mwesigwa, Rose Nansereko, Shamim Mutesi, and Sarah Nazziwa, while the men include Hassan Mubiru and Ali Mukasa.

The team will be travelling with coach Mark Sekyondwa.


“The players are well prepared despite a late camp training. They have all had exposure at the international stage after playing in three Uganda International events in Kampala and others including the Dubai International Tournament they played in December last year,” noted coach Sekyondwa.

The team is due to travel on Monday.

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