The apple doesn't fall far from a tree

Feb 24, 2024

President Museveni's election as the chairman of NAM is a testament to his diplomatic prowess and Uganda's growing influence on the international stage.

Ddungu Jordan
@New Vision


In a substantial development for Uganda's political landscape, President Yoweri Museveni Kaguta was elected by acclamation as the chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) for the period 2024 to 2027.

The country will forever relish this milestone. The president’s chairmanship paints not only the president as yet again a force to reckon with in the political and international climate but it also further paves the way for General Kainerugaba’s presidential aspirations.

This is not only because he is the chairman’s son but because of the strengths that he has continuously depicted- a reflection of strengths and lessons well learned from the tree of course.

This prestigious appointment not only enhances Uganda's global standing but also presents an extraordinary opportunity for General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the President's son, to contest for the presidency in 2026.

This article analyzes the potential benefits of President Museveni's chairmanship for General Muhoozi's political ambitions and its implications for Uganda's future.

President Museveni's election as the chairman of NAM is a testament to his diplomatic prowess and Uganda's growing influence on the international stage.

As the leader of a movement representing 120 member countries, Museveni will have a platform to advocate for Uganda's interests and showcase the nation's achievements.

A nation with increased visibility on an international footing gives General Muhoozi the challenge that we all know he is ready for as an aspirant for the 2026 presidential elections.

As chairman of NAM, President Museveni will have the opportunity to engage with world leaders, diplomats, and influential figures from various countries.

This exposure will provide General Muhoozi with invaluable connections and insights into global affairs, enabling him to build relationships and garner support for his future presidential bid.

The international networks established through NAM will undoubtedly prove advantageous in terms of securing endorsements, partnerships, and diplomatic backing for General Muhoozi's political ambitions and most importantly for Uganda as a country.

The international recognition garnered through NAM will enrich Uganda's reputation and increase confidence in General Kainerugaba's ability to lead the nation.

Museveni's chairmanship of NAM will allow him to highlight Uganda's achievements and showcase the nation's potential to the international community. By underscoring Uganda's economic growth, social development, and political stability, Museveni will create a positive image of the country, which will indirectly benefit General Muhoozi's presidential campaign.

NAM promises increased trade and investment among member states. General Muhoozi has put trade and investment for Uganda and other states on the forefront all through his diplomatic visits. We witnessed this through his visits to Rwanda and the fruits they bore.

President Museveni's extensive political experience gained through his long tenure as Uganda's leader will prove invaluable to General Muhoozi's political journey.

As his father and mentor, Museveni can provide guidance, advice, and insights into the intricacies of governance and leadership.

It’s a natural law that the offspring emulate the progenitor. This mentorship will equip General Muhoozi with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of Ugandan politics, ensuring a smooth transition from one great leader to another great leader.

President Museveni's chairmanship of NAM will undoubtedly boost his popularity and domestic support. The international recognition and respect garnered through this role will reinforce the perception of Museveni as a capable and influential leader.

It is already evident that the domestic support for Museveni translates to overwhelming support for his son naturally. The increased backing from the Ugandan population will significantly strengthen General Muhoozi's chances of winning the presidency in 2026.

President Museveni's election as the chairman of NAM from 2024 to 2027 presents a unique opportunity for General Muhoozi Kainerugaba to showcase his strengths as a capable leader of Uganda through enhanced global profiles, access to international networks, and mentorship provided by President Museveni the chairman of NAM.

The apple falls near the well-rooted strong tree and it too takes its own root and the garden’s continued abundant harvest is ensured.
The writer is a youth and good governance activist.

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