Mariam Ndagire roots for art and culture sector governing body

Oct 28, 2023

She emphasised the prevalence of irregularities within the industry that could have been prevented with a robust regulatory body in place.  

Actress Mariam Ndagire addresses filmmakers at the Women In Film Business Summit.

Hussein Kiganda
Journalist @New Vision

Seasoned singer, stage performer, and filmmaker Mariam Ndagire has highlighted the urgent need for the establishment of a central governing body to oversee the entire art and culture sector.

She emphasised the prevalence of irregularities within the industry that could have been prevented with a robust regulatory body in place.

During her address at the Women In Film Business Summit held at the National Theatre on October 26, 2023, Ndagire pointed out that the arts industry's openness had facilitated the entry of individuals with malicious intentions, causing disruption before swiftly departing.

"We require a powerful institution, akin to the National Art Council, capable of managing the influx and outflow within the industry. Currently, some individuals enter, do as they please, and leave after causing mayhem," Ndagire stated.

While acknowledging the efforts of the National Cultural Forum (NCF), led by veteran artiste Daniel Kazibwe, commonly known as Ragga Dee, she noted that the forum's authority was insufficient for such comprehensive regulatory work.

Ndagire tasked Kazibwe with spearheading the establishment of the council, expressing confidence in the Digida hitmaker's ability to advocate for the industry's needs.

In response, Kazibwe, present at the event, committed to championing the formation of the proposed council, as per Ndagire's request.

Simultaneously, the NCF, in collaboration with the Uganda National Musicians' Association, appealed to Parliament to create the council.

The appeal came in response to a petition presented to Parliament by the Uganda National Musicians Federation, which was read on the floor of Parliament by Phiona Nyamutoro, the Youth Member of Parliament.

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