Female filmmakers decry exploitation during symposium

Aug 19, 2023

Eleanor Nabwiso, a well-known actress, suggested a campaign dubbed “Name and Shame” to expose and hold offenders accountable for their actions.

The panellists at the Women in Film launch at the British Council in Kampala on August 17, 2023

Hussein Kiganda
Journalist @New Vision

Female filmmakers voiced their concerns over exploitation during the Women In Film programme launch at the British Council in Kampala on August 17, 2023.

During the panel discussion session, Jackline Katusiime, known for her roles in films such as Beneath Beauty and Foot Wine, brought attention to the widespread issue of actresses and rising female filmmakers being exploited and harassed on set.

“Numerous young women have faced sexual harassment from their superiors on set, with some even promised roles in exchange for favours. Their pleas have gone unanswered, and it’s our responsibility to support and protect them from such situations,” she said.

Following Katusiime’s remarks, several other women shared similar experiences, highlighting not only sexual harassment, but also the gender-based limitation of being relegated to ‘lighter’ roles on set.

Eleanor Nabwiso, a well-known actress, suggested a campaign dubbed “Name and Shame” to expose and hold offenders accountable for their actions.

“The most effective way to hold them accountable is to publicly reveal their identities. Continuously reporting incidents to various authorities will undoubtedly contribute to addressing this problem,” she remarked.

Panellist Lucky Lora Atwine emphasised the importance of establishing a secure platform for filmmakers to report such incidents without fear, noting that many hesitate to report to their peers, fearing retaliation from the offenders.

It’s worth noting that sexual harassment and exploitation have long plagued the art sector. Although previous efforts to combat this issue have fallen short, Atwine expressed hope that initiatives like this one could make a difference.

The filmmakers also received advice on succeeding in a male-dominated industry.

Veteran actress and singer Mariam Ndagire urged them to empower each other by sharing their knowledge and skills beyond acting.

Ndagire highlighted the significance of preparing for the future beyond acting roles, saying, “While the spotlight is on you today, it might not be there tomorrow. Planning for the future is crucial; diversify your talents to remain relevant even when the cameras aren’t focused on you.”

Actress Mariam Ndagire making a submission at the Women In Film programme launch at the British Council in Kampala on August 17, 2023


Irene Kaggwa Ssewankambo, the acting executive director at the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), who was the guest of honour at the event acknowledged the significant growth in the film industry’s quality and expressed confidence in filmmakers’ future success.

She also expressed her admiration for the significant contributions made by women in the film industry, who have taken on diverse roles such as producers, directors, and makeup experts. She encouraged these women to actively consider the available government initiatives aimed at promoting the industry, especially with the implementation of the content quarter system.

Ssewankambo declared: “Lights, camera, collaboration! The Government is fully committed to supporting the film industry. The forthcoming days hold immense promise, thanks to the establishment of a dedicated content quarter and the evident interest in elevating the sector. Let’s unite to seize these opportunities together.”

Doreen Nabunjo, the event’s host, encouraged attendees to stand strong rather than pity themselves in the industry.

Attendees were treated to a thrilling performance from singer Kenneth Mugabi, who, with the magic in his guitar strings, fed their ears with his soothing soft voice. The crooner left the ladies all whispering as he kept their attention to him.

Prominent figures like Rehema Nanfuka, Doreen Mirembe, Sarah Kisauzi, Aganza Kisaka, Esther Nakaziba, Cleopatra Koheirwe, Hellen Lukoma, and more attended the event, underlining the solidarity among women in the film industry.

Kenneth Mugabi performing at the Women In Film programme launch at the British Council in Kampala on August 17, 2023

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