Comedian Salvador explains difference between Bobi Wine, Bebe Cool

Nov 05, 2023

“I used to go to meet Bebe Cool, and I would find him with Bobi Wine. That’s how I got to know him personally. These political things are new. He (Bobi) started seeing me from the political aspect and forgot all those years of friendship. He even unfollowed me on Twitter (now X). I was hurt. I can’t apologise to him. If you ever hear a story about me and believe it, you have chosen a side. Why should I call you to apologise?" wondered Salvado.

Comedian Salvador explains difference between Bobi Wine, Bebe Cool

NewVision Reporter
Journalist @NewVision

Comedian Salvado has explained what, according to him, differentiates two longtime rivals, Bebe Cool and Bobi Wine, based on the time he has known both of them and how each reacted when he seemed not to act in their interest.

Speaking to a prominent media personality via YouTube, he narrated that he goes way back with Bobi, having been friends since 1998. And he got to know him through Bebe Cool, who was his sister’s good friend. However, when a photo of him with President Museveni at State House Nakasero appeared online in January 2020, Bobi Wine didn’t bother reaching out to inquire; he just reacted instantly.

“I used to go to meet Bebe Cool, and I would find him with Bobi Wine. That’s how I got to know him personally. These political things are new. He (Bobi) started seeing me from the political aspect and forgot all those years of friendship. He even unfollowed me on Twitter (now X). I was hurt. I can’t apologise to him. If you ever hear a story about me and believe it, you have chosen a side. Why should I call you to apologise?" wondered Salvado.

Meanwhile, he said when Bebe Cool got pelted with bottles at Cindy’s Boom Party Concert at the Lugogo Cricket Oval in March 2020, he was told Salvado laughed hard and clapped. He got angry and showed up at his comedy show, worrying everyone that he was there to pick up a fight, yet he had shown up to hear his side of the story. The reason he has a lot of respect for Bebe Cool

“He was told I clapped when I heard they pelted him with bottles. He got angry with me for a while and then looked for me at my show. People said he was going to beat me. We sat down for an interview. The moderator asked me why I laughed. I explained myself. I asked first of all: who released the clip? Ashburg Kato, who was pro-Bobi Wine. Then I asked, How does your enemy release a clip about your friend, and do you believe the enemy? He paused, and we talked man to man. That is why I will respect Bebe Cool all my life till I die,” explained Salvado

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