President Museveni’s move against sanctions, corruption is plausible

May 22, 2024

President Museveni’s resolute response to corruption allegations involving Speaker Among underscores his commitment to combatting corruption, enhancing Uganda’s global reputation as a transparent investment destination.

President Museveni. (File)

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By Samrah Kasozi

In the ever -changing landscape of Ugandan politics, where corruption often rears its ugly head, President Yoweri Museveni’s recent directives regarding the investigation into Speaker Anita Among’s alleged wealth in the UK stand as a testament to his unwavering commitment to combat corruption and uphold transparency within the Government.

The President’s proactive approach, as revealed in his recent correspondence and actions, merits appreciation and analysis in equal measure.

The recent imposition of sanctions by the UK government on Speaker Among and former Karamoja affairs ministers Mary Goretti Kitutu and Agnes Nandutu underscores the gravity of the allegations levelled against them.

President Museveni’s swift response to this development, wherein he immediately directed the Inspectorate of Government and Ethics ministry to investigate the matter, demonstrates his resolute stance against corruption.

By prioritising accountability and transparency, the President sets a precedent for ethical governance, signalling to both domestic and international stakeholders that Uganda is committed to combating corruption at all levels.

President Museveni’s insistence on the thorough scrutiny of Speaker Among’s alleged wealth highlights his commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that public officials are held accountable for their actions.

His call for an investigation into whether Speaker Among declared her assets in accordance with the Leadership Code underscores the importance of adherence to legal and ethical standards by those entrusted with public office.

Furthermore, the President’s emphasis on ascertaining the source of funds used to acquire properties abroad reflects his dedication to rooting out ill-gotten gains and promoting responsible financial stewardship.

Moreover, President Museveni’s interrogation of the moral and ideological implications of owning properties abroad, particularly in light of Uganda’s development needs, resonates with the broader discourse on socio-economic justice and equitable distribution of resources.

His assertion that the acquisition of assets overseas, especially by public officials, represents a moral and ideological lapse underscores the imperative of prioritising national development over personal enrichment.

In doing so, the President not only reaffirms his commitment to the socio-economic advancement of Uganda, but also challenges prevailing norms that prioritise individual gain over collective progress.

In addition, President Museveni’s call for clarity on the legality of the UK’s sanctions against Kitutu and Nandutu underscores his commitment to safeguarding Uganda’s sovereignty and defending the rights of its citizens.

His assertion that intervention by foreign governments in matters that are still under domestic adjudication raises pertinent questions regarding the principle of non-interference and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

By seeking legal clarification on this matter, the President asserts Uganda’s autonomy and underscores the importance of respecting due process and the sovereignty of the State.

President Museveni’s inquiry into potential violations of the Leadership Code and the Anti-Corruption Act showcases a commitment to upholding the rule of law and preventing abuse of power.

President Museveni’s call for thorough investigations by relevant authorities, including the Inspectorate of Government (IGG), Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID), and the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), underscores his unwavering stance against corruption at all levels of government.

President Museveni’s resolute response to corruption allegations involving Speaker Among underscores his commitment to combatting corruption, enhancing Uganda’s global reputation as a transparent investment destination.

His proactive approach, emphasising accountability, legality and socio-economic justice, sets a commendable precedent for ethical governance.

Amidst political challenges, Museveni’s unwavering stance against corruption offers hope for Uganda’s prosperous future.

The writer is junior scholar and fellow with the Lincoln Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations (LIDIR), Uganda

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