IGG Kamya rallies Mothers’ Union to join in fight against corruption

Mar 28, 2024

While pledging support for the completion of the Mothers’ Union house, Kamya expressed frustration about handling corruption complaints in her office, noting the lack of tangible evidence as they are often dealt with discreetly.

The Inspector General of Government (IGG), Beti Kamya, delivering her speech during St. Mary's Day celebrations at St. Stephen's Church of Uganda. (Photo by Dallen Namugga)

Dallen Namugga
Journalist @New Vision


The Inspector General of Government (IGG) Beti Kamya has called upon members of the Mothers’ Union to join her in the fight against corruption at all levels.

While pledging support for the completion of the Mothers’ Union house, Kamya expressed frustration about handling corruption complaints in her office, noting the lack of tangible evidence as they are often dealt with discreetly.

“Corruption is killing this nation. In the office I sit in, I am the one who gets these corruption complaints, but the most disturbing thing is there is no evidence, it is always done under the table. I have the instruments of power to put these people down, but it’s done between two people, in closed doors in the dark. So, my instruments of power have become useless.” Kamya said.

Rt. Rev. Canon Moses Banja, the Bishop of Namirembe Diocese with Mothers' Union members while the collected offertory. (Photo by Dallen Namugga)

Rt. Rev. Canon Moses Banja, the Bishop of Namirembe Diocese with Mothers' Union members while the collected offertory. (Photo by Dallen Namugga)

She made these remarks on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, during a St. Mary's Day celebrations service held at St. Stephen's Church of Uganda in Kabowa.

Women belonging to the association, hailing from various parts of Kampala and Wakiso, such as Nateete, Gayaza, Luzira, Entebbe, Lutiiko and Kabowa, gathered to honour St Mary’s Day.

Kamya said that while some people conceal graft, the unlawful activities eventually surface, pointing out differences between individuals' lifestyles and their official incomes.

“What you do in the dark always comes out in the light. They don’t throw that money in the lake. They use it to build houses and buy cars which don't correspond with the salary they earn,” she added.

According to the IGG, this misalignment, known as a lifestyle audit, unveils questionable wealth accumulation, which can be investigated collaboratively by leveraging her authority and the people at the ground level.

Uniting against corruption

Similarly, Rt. Rev. Canon Moses Banja, Bishop of Namirembe Diocese, emphasized the importance of standing united against corruption, highlighting that it can be subtle and damaging in various ways. 

“Let’s all stand united against corruption because it comes in many ways that may confuse you. Even if you take it in the dark, the punishment is there in the end. Our leaders also suffer when we the people accept corrupt ways. Let’s refuse it,” Banja said.

Banja encouraged unity within groups, particularly addressing the Mothers’ Union, emphasizing that division hinders development.

He urged respect for leaders chosen by God and emphasized the need to work together for progress.

“The lord, on the day of his ascendance, urged his people to be united; therefore, Mothers’ Union, please be united. It’s not good to break yourselves into groups. We can be strong together; so work towards unity.” Banja said

‘Respect your identity’

Bishop Banja emphasized the importance of knowing and respecting one's identity and warned against being swayed by money or outside norms.

“Let’s hold up our country as a first world and be in the know of who we are, a man and a woman. If we know that we are married men and women of mothers and fathers’ union, no one will dare confuse us. We should walk while content with what God has given us then we shall not be easily lured,” Banja said

Ndejje University Vice Chancellor Rev. Canon Prof. Olivia Nassaka Banja stated that individuals with unverified identities often struggle to comprehend their purpose as intended by God, and therefore they create such invalid personalities themselves.

Ndejje University Vice Chancellor Prof. Olivia Nassaka Banja speaking during the celebrations. (Photo by Dallen Namugga)

Ndejje University Vice Chancellor Prof. Olivia Nassaka Banja speaking during the celebrations. (Photo by Dallen Namugga)

“These are just unverified identities from people who don’t understand why God made them the way they are. Even Mary was chosen because of who she is. Therefore, are you still on the agenda that God made you for,” Nassaka said,

She emphasized that everyone has a purpose, even if they come from humble beginnings, and suggested that working together as a team, specifically husband and wife, leads to prosperity as it aligns with God's plan.

She stressed the importance of hard work alongside prayer for divine favour. “You all have purpose because God chose that for you. It is your responsibility, therefore, to work hard as you pray to the lord for favour.”


IGG Kamya contributed shillings five million towards the completion of the Mothers’ Union House. A total of shilling fifteen million was collected from various groups from the different constituencies during the celebrations.

Members of the Mothers' Union, Bishop Moses Banja and other invited guests cut cake. (Photo by Dallen Namugga)

Members of the Mothers' Union, Bishop Moses Banja and other invited guests cut cake. (Photo by Dallen Namugga)

Every year, on March 25, the association celebrates St Mary’s Day and this year, St Stephen’s Church of Uganda led the commemoration under the theme “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you. (John 15:16)”.


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