How to do away with snakes at home

Dec 27, 2022

Do not plant flowers close to your windows because these attract birds for nectar and in the long run snakes come for birds hence the risk of entering your home.

Cut down or trim all big trees leaning towards the houses because these could aid the movement of tree snakes like cobras and mambas.

Ivan Kaddu
Journalist @New Vision


There is a big question that is frequently asked when we go for awareness and snake bite training, and this rotates around how best to do away with snakes in a home.

Emmanuel Mukasa, the head of Herp Fauna, a snake awareness and handling organisation, provided tips on how to handle snakes during this rainy season, especially since many people are heading to the village for the festivities.

Snakes entering your house constitutes an emergency, so let us start with preventing this, especially in this rainy season, when they are more likely to invade your home in search of warmth.

Start by ensuring all doors close and fit tightly, most especially the bottom. 

The windows should also be reinforced with rubber or wire gauze. 

As an added layer of protection, double-check your shoes, closet, dark corners and under the beds before you lock up to ensure no reptiles made their way into your home while you were distracted. 

This is especially true for homes next to bushes or in areas with regular snake sightings.

Furthermore, ensure all the beds in the house are under a mosquito net. It can come in handy in case a snake made its way into the ceiling or rafters of houses that have no ceiling.

During the night, never put your foot on the ground minus taking a quick scan of your surroundings. This means you should have a torch nearby, especially if your bedroom switch is not at the bedside. 

Children are very inquisitive beings. It is, therefore, important that you educate them about snakes and what to do in case they encounter one. 

Preferably, this information should be shared with them as early as six years old. Advise them not to play or attack any snake, even if it is tiny. 

Encourage them to always loudly call an adult while they constantly keep their eyes on the reptile so that it does not disappear.

Slash any bush or overgrown grass around your home. You should also clear any debris, such as piles of wood, bricks, or rubbish heaps since they may attract snakes or habour snake prey, such as rats and lizards. 

You should also fill up or cover up all open holes or pits as they offer a hiding place for snakes. They also attract children’s curiosity during playtime. 

Cut down or trim all big trees leaning towards the houses because these could aid the movement of tree snakes like cobras and mambas. 

Ensure all your water taps are not dripping because snake drink or relocate the bird’s bowls which tend to attract snakes in the long run. 

All domestic birds and rabbit cages should be kept away from the house because they attract snakes, however, some birds warn us of snakes in the vicinity by making noise, therefore, listen out for continued loud chirping. 

Food for birds may attract rats as well, therefore they should be kept away from the main house. Also, always check where you are going to sit for safety because snakes tend to coil inside the chairs or even under.  

When you harvest food like matooke from the garden, don’t carry it on your head or take it straight to your home or car before carefully checking in between the clusters. 

Do not plant flowers close to your windows because these attract birds for nectar and in the long run snakes come for birds hence the risk of entering your home.


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