Eddy Yawe begs Sevo to allow musicians to work this festive season

Dec 10, 2021

The Tugende Kampala singer said musicians have not worked for almost two years now, noting that December is one of their peak business seasons

Eddy Yawe

Hussein Kiganda
Journalist @New Vision

Singer Eddy Yawe has asked President Yoweri Museveni to lift restrictions on the entertainment sector brought about by COVID-19 earlier before the promised January reopening of the economy.

The Tugende Kampala singer said musicians have not worked for almost two years now, noting that December is one of their peak business seasons.

“I kindly request the Government to open up the country before January so that we, musicians, can get something out of it. Musicians mostly work in three seasons; Christmas, Easter, and the other small semi-seasons. If we are opened, it would give us a chance to also send our people something to eat happily and enjoy the season,” he said in an interview.

Unlike other artistes who depend on  performances, Yawe is a producer, sound engineer, and songwriter at his Dream Studios. He is also an entrepreneur and a politician.


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