Vandana Shah's letter

Vandana Shah is Vice President for Health Systems Strengthening at the Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI), an international organization that advocates for public health budgets, policies and programs that save lives around the world.

By Vandana Shah*

The Government of Uganda has approved the sum of 57.8 billion Uganda shillings (an equivalent of about US$15.4 million) in epidemic preparedness fi nancing for the 2024-25 fi nancial year. This decision, which follows consistent collaborative advocacy by the Uganda National Health User’/Consumers’ Organization (UNHCO), Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) and Health Security Coalition partners marks a historic milestone in the country’s commitment to prevent and mitigate the risk of epidemics.  Uganda is situated at the Congo-basin tropical belt. This exposes the country to numerous pathogens of pandemic potential. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON THIS NOTICE 


