Mukasa Mbidde arrested in Masaka

Nov 19, 2020

Mbidde, DP flag bearer for Nyendo-Mukungwe constituency was arrested by police officers led by the DPC David Kahinda Nyesigyire.


Democratic Party national vice presidential general, Fred Mukasa Mbidde has been arrested from Tropic Inn hotel in Masaka town during a press conference on allegations that he was holding an illegal meeting.  

Mbidde, DP flag bearer for Nyendo-Mukungwe constituency was arrested by police officers led by the DPC David Kahinda Nyesigyire. He was whisked away to the police station. 

Fred Mukasa Mbidde during the press conference at Tropic Inn in Masaka before he was arrested. (Photo by John Bosco Mulyowa)

Sources indicated that the police were preparing to take him to court.

In the meantime, National Unity Platform flag bearer for the same constituency, Mathias Mpuuga is still in hiding after the police made fruitless efforts to arrest him from his home in Soweto, Masaka city. 

He told journalists that security men jumped over his fence and broke his padlock but failed to access the house. He said policemen sprayed tear gas to his dogs and later sprayed into his house but he persevered. 

He is now in hiding as police continue to battle pockets of rioters around the city and surrounding towns. Robert Kyagulanyi was supposed to hold a rally in Masaka city on Thursday. 

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