Consider your partner's education before you say, "I DO"

Oct 17, 2020

It is expected and encouraged that the wisdom and the cumulative knowledge gathered through higher education, do inform the decision making of the couple.


While education does impact the influence of social-economic status, unfortunately for our country the two no longer predict each other.

However, it is certain that the higher one's education is, the likelihood of improved capacity to have more advanced thinking and critical decision making within the couple, especially if there's appropriate complementarity.

Here the discussion can become extremely sensitive especially in light of our gender-sensitive practices influenced by culture, where issues of whose education is higher, and which job one has, can be extremely powerful or disempowering depending on the gender.

Thus, the couple should be comfortable about their achieved educational or aspired goals and status, which is critical in formulating who they are to become, as individuals and as a couple. 

That is why it is necessary to discuss these issues before the decision to marry, so as to clarify the role of values, for each one as a couple unit.

It is expected and encouraged that the wisdom and the cumulative knowledge gathered through higher education, do inform the decision making of the couple.

Additionally, one would also advise the couple to discuss their aspirations about education both for themselves and for their children.

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