Lessons married couples have learnt in the lock down

Aug 01, 2020

We have learnt that as a couple we need to work closely together to support our family and also be exemplary to the children.


The lock down came as a challenge to many but in spite of it all, many reaped good from it. Below, couples narrate lessons they have learnt during this period;

 Esther and Frank Mayanja

We have learnt that as a couple we need to work closely together to support our family and also be exemplary to the children.

Another thing we have learnt is to create time to listen to what our children have to say and also observe them as they work so that we know their weaknesses and strengths when it comes to house work.


Esther and Frank Mayanja

 Dr. Deo and Christine Musisi

We have learnt that as a couple we need to pray for the children that God has blessed us with and also instill in them a prayerful culture so that when they are in times of trouble or happiness, they call on God more than anything.


Dr. Deo and Christine Musisi

 Jalia and Steven Mwesezi

One thing we have learnt as a couple is to always spend within our means, whether in times of trouble or not. It's important to spare something for the next day.

We have seen and heard stories of people starving during this period; we thank God that we have what to feed our families on.

Florence and Frankline Owor

In the lockdown, we have learnt to appreciate the importance of spending quality time together as a couple.

Many times we tend to be too busy to spend time together, but this lockdown has really put us in one place.

We have been able to understand each other's concerns, work as a team, especially on how to raise and groom our children.


Florence and Frankline Owor

The other thing we have learnt is the value of being remorseful after hurting each other. If all couples learn to say sorry in case they wrong their partners, then marriage will be blissful.

We have also learnt to spend time with our children; we sing for them, dance and play. It makes the family happy.

Peace and Bob Sengoba

One thing we have learnt is that we are not too big to play together as a couple. Games like chess, badminton or even cards are good for spending time as a couple.

This has made us bond more with each other. We have also learnt to appreciate each other every other day.


Peace and Bob Sengoba

Stella and Godfrey Tumusime

The lockdown has made us understand the burden of house chores. We have realized that as a couple, we need to help each other when it comes to house chores.

Even when we don't command each other on what to do, we help out with house work and this helps us bond with the children. It also makes us exemplary parents.

Prossy and Gerald Ssebata,

The lockdown has really taught us a number of things. We have learnt the relevancy of spending more time together as a couple.

We have also learnt to deal with our children's different characters and also use the time to tell them how we make the money that we spend on them.

We have also realized that often, the success of children is determined by the way parents love and cherish each other.

Children need to know that their parents love and respect each other, which allows them to concentrate on whatever they do and hence success.

Alice and Mark Moon Mutaasa

The lockdown has taught how important it is to create time for ourselves as a couple, and for our children.

Now that we are with them at home, they are happy and count on us so much. Before they spent more time at school as we were busy working.

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