You can grow kale in your backyard

Jul 10, 2020

Kale is a source of vitamin A, C, Magnesium and also high in dietary fiber which helps a lot in food digestion.


Looking for what to plant in your backyard that will guarantee you continuous harvest? Try kale vegetable.

Joy Nabirye a gardener says they are sisters of sukumawiiki type of greens and these are tasty yet very nutritious making them ideal for backyard farmers to pay attention to.

How to grow them

Nabirye a gardener says Kale are planted like any other vegetables. There are specific kale seeds and once a gardener goes to genuine seed suppliers, they can get these seeds on the market.

"Once got, one should consider planting kale first in a nursery bed for three weeks before transplanting them to the backyard garden, "she says.


A garden of Kale vegetable

She notes that it's important that it is planted in soils that have been mixed with manure to allow it grow well. For effective growth, a gardener needs to continuously water kale for them to yield well.

This goes hand in hand with spraying against pests and diseases that could attack this kind of vegetable.

Nabirye notes that kale can grow anywhere in the backyard. This could be in polythene bags, box garden, containers like jerrycan, basin or anywhere that a person wishes to plant them.


First grow seeds in a nursery bed

"Once well catered for, kale mature in two months. If the growing conditions are good enough, kale usually grow many leaves which are the greens harvested for eating," she says.

This means that kale guarantee a gardener a prolonged period of harvest.

"Besides that they have nutritional values that make people love them so much. it is a good sourceof vitamin A, C, Magnesium and also are high in dietary fiber which helps a lot in food digestion," says Sanyu Jossette a nutritionist.

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