My twins are my source of strength - Bukenya

Aug 17, 2019

Two years ago, Bukenya took her third shot at getting twins. This time, she was lucky and spot on.

Resty Bukenya, 34, always longed for a set of twins or two. Before realising this dream, she gave birth to her first child, Derrick Buyondo, 9. After failing for the first time, her hope didn't fade away. She stayed committed to having twins. However, even her second pregnancy didn't give her twins.
Two years ago, Bukenya took her third shot at getting twins. This time, she was lucky and spot on. Without any clue that she had twins in her womb, Bukenya developed some rather unfamiliar complications when she was three months pregnant.
"The kind of pain and unbearable conditions I was going through in the first three months were really strange compared to my past pregnancy experiences. I, therefore, went for a medical checkup where they checked my urine. The doctor returned smiling with the results but first, he asked me whether there were any twins in my family lineage. At that moment, it donned on me that I had twins in my womb," Bukenya intimated
With uncontrollable excitement, Bukenya ran fast to her workmates and gave them the news. She says that she treated that pregnancy with a lot of care, she says. She later found out that her twins were boys.

  Wasswa and Kato 

"Upon the birth of the twins, Jessy Kato Ssewanyana and Jeremiah Wasswa Kasinga, their father was as happy as I was. Jokingly, he kept on making fun me for being a Nalongo being he knew how hard I treasured the title. Unfortunately, when the boys turned two months old, their father passed on. It is the most depressing event that has ever happened to us," said Bukenya
Ever since Bukenya's husband passed on, times have really been hard for her. She struggles a lot trying to take care of her twins. For this reason, she had to take them to her mother, their grandmother because she couldn't afford a housemaid yet she has to report at work every weekday. 
"I thank God for my twins because even in hard times they are my source of strength. With them, I know I can overcome anything that challenges me. I can't wait for them to start going to school next year because that too will give me endless joy," she said
Kato, the younger one, is very naughty and outspoken. Bukenya says that sometimes he bullies his twin brother Wasswa especially when Wasswa has something that Kato doesn't have. However, at the end of the day, they look out for each other.

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