Testimonies of Uganda Martyrs pilgrims

May 28, 2019

I was cohabiting for almost 10 years. Although I really wanted to wed, we could not find the money to hold the function. I was advised to pray through the Uganda Martyrs and I chose St Charles Lwanga.

Every June 03, the world remembers the Uganda Martyrs who were killed on the orders of Kabaka Mwanga II. Pilgrims start arriving at Namugongo a few days before June 03. Juliet Lukwago asked some of them about the miracle they have received after

They helped me keep my pregnancy
Mariazewuliya Bugenyi, Lumino Parish in Busia
I was pregnant with my eighth child when I started bleeding. The hospital couldn't stop it. I faced a real risk of losing my child. When I went back home, I start thinking about the Martyrs.

I cried and prayed through them, calling out their names one by one. Without any medication, the bleeding stopped. I eventually delivered a baby boy and I named him Kizito, the name of the youngest Martyr. Another testimony is about my daughter, Cunine Nekesa, whom I really wanted to become a nun.

When I asked the Mother Superior of Evangelization Sisters, she gave us a condition that Nekesa had to get credits in all subjects. Nekesa didn't think it was possible but I told her to trust the Uganda Martyrs.

I started calling upon them all to help my daughter and she passed very well. She is now a nun of the Missionary Evangelization sisters of Mary (MCESM) in Kenya. In appreciation, I have now made a pilgrimage to this place eleven times.

My son recovered from madness

Catherine Baliyo, 79, a peasant farmer from Bushenyi
My late husband was passed away in 2013. My patron Martyr, Yowana Maria Muzeeyi, has helped me a lot.

For instance, in 2010, my son became mad and totally got insane. We took him to the hospital in vain. Then something inside asked why I was not praying through Yowana Maria Muzeeyi.

I brought my son home, people called me mad but I started praying in faith, asking Yowana Maria Muzeeyi to cure him because he was herbalist who used treat such ailments.

Now he is well! Doctors examined him and proved so. Those who were laughing joined me in faith!

He is now 40 years, married and settled. I started walking from Bushenyi to Namugongo in 2010 and have not missed a single year.

My son wouldn't have studied

Zani Ndyanagi, 62, a peasant from Bushenyi
Look at me. I am very poor! But can you believe my son graduated with a degree in Mathematics? And I don't know where or how I would get school fees!

Since I started praying through St Charles-Lwanga, I have seen miracle after miracle. For example, without business and assets, I managed to educate my son, I did it through the martyrs. This my second time to walk from Bushenyi to Namugongo

Charles Lwanga saved him from an operation

Vanensia Kabanakye, 63, St Kaggwa Parish in Bushenyi
The miracles are many. Look at peace of mind for example. One time, my husband fell sick and doctors said he needed an operation.

We didn't have money and so we brought him back. I started praying through St Charles Lwanga. I told him: Charles Lwanga; This is your brother! They never operated upon you during your life; why don't you intercede for us?

When the day came, we gathered whatever money we had and went to the hospital. The doctors checked him but failed to find the problem. Even other doctors came and it was the same!

We returned home without any operation! He is still fine. That is why every year I have to come to thank St Charles Lwanga, my patron. This is my second time walking to Namugongo.

Martyrs support my academics

Stephen Okuku, 20, student, KIU Tororo branch
I was told to repeat P 6 because I had performed poorly. But my mother refused to give up. She dedicated me to St Charles Lwanga and we started praying.

When the new term started, the head teacher, who had refused me to go to P 7, changed his mind without being asked and said I could proceed to the next class.

I have never stopped praying through the martyrs and so, thanks to them, I sailed through school and I am now at Kampala International University.

My wedding wouldn't have been possible

Defuza Aharimpigya, Katovu Parish in Lyantonde
I was cohabiting for almost 10 years. Although I really wanted to wed, we could not find the money to hold the function. I was advised to pray through the Uganda Martyrs and I chose St Charles Lwanga.

My petition was to get married in Church. I used to call his name every day entreating him not to let me down.

God answered my prayers and in June 2013, I held a successful wedding. I had four children already and now, I got another baby boy.

I can now walk

Jacinta Atukunda, 70, Namugongo Parish
Some time back, I got very sick. My whole body got swollen. Doctors tried their best but I deteriorated till I could walk no more. I prayed through St Gonzaga Gonza, and now, I can walk.       


Lwanga saved my land

Calorine Nassali, Lubaga Parish
Someone wanted to forcefully take my land. I took the matters to the authorities but things worsened as papers its documents disappeared. I was, therefore, advised to pray through St Charles Lwanga as my patron Martyr. The matter was resolved easily, I got all the papers concerning my land and it is safe.

My life got changed

Mary Margaret Nakabugo, Kasawo Parish in Lugazi diocese
I used to be a woman of the world if you know what that means. But I prayed through St Noa-Mawaggali and I settled down, changed my morals and principles to the extent that I am now a catechist.

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