In Pictures: NRM Day celebrations in Tororo

Jan 27, 2019

About 200 distinguished Ugandans received medals for their contribution to the development of the country as part of the 33rd Liberation Day celebrations




resident oweri useveni hold aloft a book celebrating 20 years of niversal rimary ducation   hotoPresident Yoweri Museveni hold aloft a book celebrating 20 years of Universal Primary Education (UPE). PPU Photo









he kumbania of ugwere ohn hrysostom ayabire right chatting with the ishop of orth ukedi amuel gesa 2nd right hoto by onald iiryaThe Ikumbania of Bugwere John Chrysostom Wayabire (right) chatting with the Bishop of North Bukedi Samuel Egesa (2nd right). Photo by Donald Kiirya



ieng dhola right and mukuka of ugisu left were in attendance for the celebrations at uwafu rimary chool playground hoto by onald iiryaTieng Adhola (right) and Umukuka of Bugisu (left) were in attendance for the celebrations at Muwafu Primary School playground. Photo by Donald Kiirya







r anga doi the  electoral commission chairperson was one of the recipients of the medals  hotoDr Tanga Odoi the NRM electoral commission chairperson was one of the recipients of the medals. PPU Photo





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