How to fulfil new year resolutions

Dec 30, 2016

Focus on one change at a time. Break down each change into smaller steps and make the first step incredibly easy.

New Year's resolutions are goals or promises that people make for the New Year

Focus on one change at a time. Break down each change into smaller steps and make the first step incredibly easy.

For example, if you want to start flossing, the first step can be to locate the floss in the supermarket. Find routine trigger points during your day for implementing your resolution

Here's how:

Step 1: Set realistic goals. New Year's resolutions are goals, and like any goals, they need to be realistic in order to be achievable. ...

Step 2: Write a plan for your resolutions. ...

Step 3: Share your plan. ...

Step 4: Fund your resolutions. ...

Step 5: Get help from others.

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