To the modern woman, it's always the man's fault

May 21, 2014

Someone asked me why I don’t write about relationships, and I said I don’t want to go there. It became quite an argument, and at the end almost a dare. So, here goes:

By Kalungi Kabuye

Someone asked me why I don’t write about relationships, and I said I don’t want to go there. It became quite an argument, and at the end almost a dare. So, here goes:
Can we all hear it for the modern woman? You have to admire her, in all her entirety. She is independent, hardworking, knows exactly what she wants, and often goes out and gets it. But, there is a disclaimer - if anything goes wrong, blame it on the men.  
Like this lady that complained on social media how she saw a hot chick being taken home one cold night on a boda. She wrote that the guy should have styled up and at least got her a cab, otherwise how was she going to be exciting and sexy when they got home?
There were different comments on that post, but the general view was that the ‘hot chick’ knew what she getting into. If she wanted to go home in a limo, then she should have dated a guy with a limo. And since she was not chained to that boda, she obviously knew what she wanted, and that she was going to get it. 
Another woman made the comment that the hot chick might not turn out to be all that hot after all. 
What with fake hips, make-up, weaves and wigs, and even false teeth – what the guy takes home is not what he always gets.
Like she put it – “one shower and all that hotness goes down the drain.” Now imagine if poor guy had spent the night buying food and drinks, and got a Yellow Cab to take them home.
Another woman posted what she wanted in a guy. She quoted height, skin colour, body build, and emphasised that a regular gym going routine was a prerequisite. 
Most of the comments posted on that thread were teasing ones, until one guy asked what she really looked like. He wanted her to post what her body measurements were, size of hip, bust and waist. Did she have real hair, or did she have a weave or fake braids? Were her teeth straight?
Chick blew up and started blasting the guy, saying no real man asks a woman those kinds of questions. Why was he wasting her time when she had already described the kind of man she wanted?
Dude replied that if she wanted an Idris Alba, she better be a Beyoncé herself. There were no more comments after that, except a lot of ‘ha ha ha’s and ‘lol’s.
She is probably one of those modern women who think that once they offer themselves to a guy, he better take whatever she is got.  
And gets really angry when he does not. It does not make sense to the modern woman that maybe the guy does not like what you look like, reminds him too much of his grandma, or that you’re built like a boy.
Some modern women find it hard to believe that a dude may not be very impressed when you have hips a meter wide. Or drink whiskey and curse like a sailor.
It has come all around for modern woman, and it is a real dilemma. Since they are so many of them around who know what they want, and are not afraid of getting it, guys do not have to try too hard to get a woman. 
They are all over the place dying to give it away, so a guy actually has a wider choice, which means he can reject any that don’t impress him. 
Which means modern woman will have to take whatever she can, or is available, just like guys have always done. Karma, eh?
Are men more intelligent than women? Publish Date: Jun 29, 2012

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