ID registration forms not for sale - Aronda

Apr 17, 2014

Internal affairs minister has warned unscrupulous people extorting money from public the ID project.

By Vision Reporter

Internal affairs minister, Gen Aronda Nyakairima, has warned unscrupulous people extorting money from unsuspecting public under the pretext of helping them in the ongoing national Identity Card registration exercise.

Below is the minister’s statement.



DATE:    APRIL 16, 2014

It has come to our attention since the start of the Enrolment Exercise on 14th April 2014, there are certain Individuals who are engaged in illegal and/or corruption related activities that include but not limited to;

a)    Selling Enrolment/Registration Forms;
b)    Extorting money from unsuspecting public under the pretext of helping citizens to register;
c)    Forgeries of documentation like birth certificates, Baptism Cards, marriage certificates among others.
d)    Knowingly giving false information-especially about one’s citizenship status

I wish to clarify the following:

1.    This exercise is ABSOLUTELY FREE and all enrolment centers have enough forms-with more in stock at the National Identity Card Centre. They are NOT FOR SALE

2.    There are form filling guides that have been translated into different languages to ease the process.

3.    The field requirements on the forms like names, place of Birth etc are meant to aid the process of citizenship verification

4.    All Enrolment officers are supposed and encouraged to help citizens at the enrolment centers with filling the form.

5.    This Exercise is meant to register UGANDAN CITIZENS who are 16years and above-ONLY.

6.    The additional documents required are only supporting documents and are not conclusive of citizenship Verification. There are Parish Citizenship Verification Committees at every Parish to verify citizens.

7.    Some Ugandans-especially cult leaders who are mobilizing against citizen registration are breaking the law. It is the right of every citizen to be registered. They are denying citizens an opportunity to assert their rights as Ugandan citizens who demand National Services.

8.     The Mass Enrolment Exercise will take place for four months at all the 7410 Parishes across the country. It is your right to register.

9.    More equipment is being continuously delivered to the registration centres. However, the registration exercise starts with filling the forms, which are readily available at all Parishes. These can be picked and filled at one’s convenience between 8am-5pm everyday.

10.    There are two different types of forms:
 a) For Individual personal details,
 b) For extra spouse (s) details. The extra form for the spouses allows an individual with more than one spouse to register all of them. All these forms are readily available at the enrolment centres.

Please call the operational lines to report any thing on the following numbers

0772-255010, 07722-55011 and 0312-518565

Gen Aronda Nyakairima (cgsc) MP
Minister of Internal Affairs/National Coordinator
National Identity Card Project

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