Sex Poll: Baganda most romantic, Banyankole most arrogant tribe

Oct 13, 2013

The Sex Poll result today is about tribes. In a poll conducted in July, about 800 respondents were asked which tribe impresses as the most romantic, violent, fertile, dependable in financial matters and arrogant.

By Hilary Bainemigisha

The Sex Poll result today is about tribes. In a poll conducted in July, about 800 respondents were asked which tribe impresses as the most romantic, violent, fertile, dependable in financial matters and arrogant.

A total of 248 responses were sampled randomly and feedback data analysed aggregately using the software known as SPSS.

Obviously, attributes of romance, fertility, faithfulness, violence and having a good partner are individual merits. But over time, people tend to brand groups, especially tribes, as good or bad at something. These prejudices are true for every society.

When Saturday Vision carried out the sex survey, the tribal prejudices were glaring. And when social brands are labeled on dating attributes, you want to know because there must be a reason why Baganda and not Karimojong, are described as romantic.

For purposes of this survey, respondents’ tribes were captured to let us know which tribe voted for the other. Usually, the options are so varied, but the analysis captured the majority vote.

The faithful tribe

Overall, respondents voted for the Acholi as the most trusted with love. They received majority votes from Bafumbira, Baganda and fellow Acholi. Their Gold medal did not surprise Justus Bagonza, a social critic and lecturer at Makerere University, who also has an Acholi wife.

“Until the displacement into camps in northern Uganda, the Acholi were less influenced by the temptation of sexual deviation. Even now, their cultural respect of elders still shines. None of my friends with Acholi wives has any trust issues. Our spouses are satisfied by whatever we can afford.”

The silver medal went to the Bakiga, who were voted for by the Sebei, the Langi and their fellow Bakiga. No wonder their men leave them alone and wander the whole country, looking for money over long periods of time. Yet, infidelity squabbles remain negligible. The Iteso took the bronze with votes from mainly the Basoga, Lugbara and themselves. The majority of voters being women.


Most confident tribe

Confidence is strength in dating, especially for the males. Females are naturally wired to look out for the men who can protect and provide, and confidence is deemed vital for the two roles. In modern dating, it is most usually tied to money, education and experience, but for our survey, respondents identified tribe as another parameter.

Baganda got most votes as the most confident in dating matters. Most of the other tribes overwhelmingly voted for them, with the runners-up tying with much fewer votes. The silver, therefore, goes to three other tribes; the Bakiga, Banyankole and Bagisu. Females added Basoga and Acholi to the list.

Immaculate Kyomuhangi, a masters student of sociology at Makerere University, says Baganda exude confidence from their exposure in a hugely commercial region of Uganda. “Their mastery of the dating language and knowledge of many ways of slipping out of dating trouble would certainly make them the darling of most,” she said.

Most violent of all

The deputy Inspector General of Police, Martin Okoth-Ochola, recently presented statistics showing 72 people were killed as a result of domestic violence between January and April 2013. Another study by the Centre for Domestic Violence Prevention showed, surprisingly, that

70% of the men interviewed and 60% of women said men were justified to beat their partners under certain circumstances. But which tribe is likely to hold this belief literally?

When the ballots were counted, the Gold went to the Acholi, Silver to the Bakiga and Bronze to Baganda. The males voted for Bakiga first, followed by Acholi and then Lugbara. Females voted for the Acholi first, followed by Bakiga and then Baganda.

About the violent Acholi, Bagonza said it is possible, considering that the most faithful will also be the most demanding and quicker to express disappointment. “The notion of male supremacy among the Acholi may also fuel violence in these times of female emancipation, which makes women rise to challenge the male authority, often leading to violence,” he explained.

Arrogance and tribes

Most respondents said the Banyankole are the most arrogant, followed by Bakiga and then Baganda. Women voted for the Acholi for third position. However, a sociologist disagrees, saying sometimes the problem could be with the person who is making the accusations.

Arrogance is defined as an offensive display of superiority or self-importance, an overbearing pride, haughtiness exhibited by a superior towards inferiors. It is a turn-off in many dating scenarios, but surprisingly, there are people who get impressed by big-headed, overconfident people. It is usually a function of inferiority complex, perceived resistance, sudden dive into wealth and upbringing problems.

In the sex poll, most respondents said the most arrogant tribe is the Banyankole, followed by Bakiga and then Baganda. Women voted for the Acholi for third position.

Nanfuka does not agree with the vote, but understands that arrogance can also be a perception problem of the partner. “Your partner may not be arrogant, but because you have issues, whatever your date says is deemed arrogant,” she says. “Otherwise, even the person’s boldness in speech can also be viewed as arrogant.”

Acan Jennifer, a senior administrator with a clearing firm, says she knows many Banyankole who are arrogant, but would not generalise it on all Banyankole.

Most fertile

Dating is usually the starting point of the journey to begetting children and hoping for grandchildren. So, in a serious search for marriage, the partners must be concerned about fertility, even when such issues are not directly discussed, unless there is a cause for alarm. Fertility can be a vote of confidence or not, depending on the aspirations of the voter. 

Whatever the case, the crown went to the Bakiga, followed by Baganda and then Banyankole. Bagonza agrees, referring to the ubiquitous nature of the Bakiga. “The Bakiga are everywhere. There is no district in Uganda without a sizable number of Bakiga migrants. They must be producing so many children that they can no longer fit in their own place.”

And the most romantic tribe is ...


Romance is what all lovers yearn for. Respondents overwhelmingly gave this crown to Baganda, followed by Batoro and then Banyankole. But women voted for the Acholi for third position instead.

Kyomuhangi concurs with the verdict and refers to the common popular love songs on most radio airwaves as being in Luganda. “Over time, Baganda have mastered the art of love in verbal, action and literature expressions. Their exposure makes them very competitive. But you can also say that their commercialised nature makes them money-minded, to the extent that even a person who does not really love you will play romantic to suck out all your financial juices,” she explains.

Most dependable in financial matters


The natural role of males in dating in the animal world is to protect and provide, thus in modern times when the world bases its security in money and wealth, the one who has most gets the biggest accolades and attracts more.

A recent study by evolutionary biologists Dr. Thomas Pollet and Prof. Daniel Nettles of Newcastle University claimed that women find lovemaking more fulfilling if the partner is wealthy.

The world’s biggest study into lifestyles looked at the link between wealth and enjoyment of sex and concluded that for many females, money, status and success remain a key ingredient in sexual attraction.

Respondents gave this Gold to Banyankole, followed by Baganda and then, Bakiga. In the males’ vote, the Bakiga tied with the Acholi in the third place. Juliet Nanfuka, a revenue officer who is married to a Munyankole, explains that the victory the Banyankole have registered in this category is a result of our political history.

“Most Banyankole who are visible to other tribes have money because they are most likely to have a tribes-mate, relative, village mate or friend placed well enough to help them get employed faster, get a tender easily and earn big or get in money’s way.

In fact, one of the problems we, wives of Banyankole face, is the perception by our relatives, friends and rivals that our husbands are rich.

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