Syria a thorn in the ribs of imperialism in Middle East

Sep 17, 2013

In 1958 it joined Egypt, giving rise to the United Arab Republic under Gamal Abdel Nasser then president of Egypt who very much hated imperialism in the Middle East.

trueBy Kajabago-ka-Rusoke

In 1958 it joined Egypt, giving rise to the United Arab Republic under Gamal Abdel Nasser then president of Egypt who very much hated imperialism in the Middle East as he nationalised the Suez Canal against Britain, France and Israel in 1956 after he had become president of Egypt.

Gamal Abdel Nasser declared physical war on Israel in 1967 which Syria supported although Syria had broken away from the United Arab Republic in 1961 under President Nasser.

Sinai, part of Egypt, was confiscated by Israel as the same happened to Syria when its Golan Heights were confiscated by Israel, too, both being defeated by Israel.

Later imperialism played diplomacy with Egypt bringing about friendship with Israel which led to the releasing of Sinai back to Egypt after the death of Gamal Abdel Nasser.

However, Syrian Golan Heights remained under Israel up to now.

But it should be ridiculous if Syria does not want them back seriously.

However, they are still a negative and sad symbol to Israel because of Syria’s role in attacking Israel in 1967.

Despite all those, Israel in the eyes of the Arab world is still seen as an imposition on the Arab land and territories by imperialism, of Western Europe and the US at the end of the Second World War

It has gone further by turning into a US client and satellite state, extended territory, as well as a spring board for terrorising the Middle East for oil intended for imperialist world domination.

Syria is also suspected by imperialism of having nuclear weapons or at least knowledge about them.

On top of all that Syria is an ally to Iran which is in the same way suspected of having the same - knowledge and weapons. These are arch enemies of imperialism in the Middle East.

However, more surprising still is that imperialism has far more advanced nuclear weapons in the world for the destruction of any country that will try to prove better than them in nuclear power and technology. This is why they do not want to smell any small- power country trying to imitate the same.  The whole world should just be under them, come what may.

People on the globe may or, can, try to democratise anything they want but not nuclear power and technology that must remain a monopoly of world imperialism of the US and Western Europe alone.

Syria is also in line with Hezbollah and Hamas- staunch Arab organisations against Israel.

Imperialism, therefore, is now taking advantage of the current civil war, turning that into an excuse for attacking the previously hated opponent as a punishment. Imperialism does not want any chance for mutual discussion to solve that internal problem.

Imperialism is going further to show that it is practicing justice and is only a Holy power that can alone save the entire world from being abused by dictators in whichever country they may be on earth.

So hitting Syria  now is an example to all and  a  holy mission on behalf of man- and - woman kind on  the globe so that there shall never be any such dictators in any part of  the world as long as imperialism exists to safe guard the welfare and safety of all on the globe.


Occupation of Guantanamo,  a territory of Cuba; Syrian Golan  Heights, Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem is just intended to tame all those who  should obey and pay allegiance to imperialism, as imperialism has a right, power and, obligation to tame them.

Sovereignty of and for those countries is far less important and is negligible as long as imperialism is not obeyed and all other less powerful countries of the world should stand warned.

There is also the international criminal court which is intended only for countries which are economically and militarily inferior to imperialist power.


Imperialism is a socio – economic formation with an economic base plus their own type of Ethics. It is just a lower phase of colonialism.

Colonialism has been totally rejected by all the colonised people everywhere in the world.

Imperialism cannot provide a bench mark for moral standards. If anything imperialist countries are morally, the most backward in the world especially the leaders of their ruling class – the capitalist classes.

They are now debating and calculating how much of evil they can inflict on Syria.

Can there be an answer to all this mess?

Any organisation that tries to oppose them is referred to as “Terrorist”. Who is a terrorist?

For example, who is a terrorist among the two? The Al-Qaeda which is fighting against imperialist occupation in the Middle East or the imperialist who occupied the territory?

Imperialism definitely is the offender while Al-Qaeda is a self-defender. It may be said that methods of work by the Al-Qaeda are highly disorderly but the aim remains correct.

The international criminal court – would be consulted but the imperialist world is above that.

 Imperialism, therefore, remains the axis of evil and holocaust on top of all hu – man and hu –woman beings in the world.

The answer lies in organising and establishing very big economic blocks in each continent of the world, especially in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East and link them globally with a global manifesto to liberate hu –man and hu – woman against world imperialism. This one falls on the shoulders of those already holding state power in those countries.

However, there is also need to organise labour movements, woman, youth, farmers, students, introduce the political economy of imperialism, plus current Affairs as to how it is operating globally right now. Scrutinise a variety of agreements they make with leaders in these continents but keeping it in mind that we have to trade with them nevertheless taking precautions as to the nature of agreements we make with them. For imperialism has never had a permanent friend but a permanent interest.

Let us have hope that as more and more people in the world become more and more educated the globe can be infiltrated by people far more educated than the dominating capitalist classes which, after all, have been defeated in their own colonies by The national liberation movements which were physically and morally able to illustrate to them that they, the colonialists, were then less knowledgeable and less infarmel than the national liberation movements.

Thus what shall remain is raise standards of debate and discussion in order to solve problems rather than the application of mutual slaughter.

The writer is a lecturer at the Uganda National Leadership Institute, Kyankwanzi

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