Can one conceive a day after her period?

Jul 03, 2013

Is it possible for a woman to become pregnant a day or two after her periods?

QDear Doctor,
Is it possible for a woman to become pregnant a day or two after her periods?
ADear Anonymous,
This is unusual, but it also depends on the length of her menstrual cycle and in part, the duration of her menstrual period.  
Normal variations in the menstrual cycle are 21 days for the short cycle, 28-30 days for the majority and 35 days for the longest cycle.  
The fertile period is usually 14 days before the next period, so a woman with a 21-day cycle will usually ovulate or be fertile on, or around the seventh day of her cycle, while those with a 28-day cycle ovulate on 14th day and those with a 35-day cycle, on 21st day. 
If the woman you are referring to has a 21-day cycle and experiences her menstrual period for five days, then it is possible for her to become pregnant.

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