Why do I sweat profusely?

Nov 20, 2012

I sweat a lot, especially the hands and feet. Even after applying a deodorant, I still sweat in the armpits and stink.

Dear Doctor,
I sweat a lot, especially the hands and feet. Even after applying a deodorant, I still sweat in the armpits and stink.
Recently, I started using men’s deodorants because they are stronger, but I still sweat, especially when I walk in the scorching sun. What can I do to prevent over-sweating? 
ADear Dora,
You might be suffering from hyperhidrosis, a medical condition where a person sweats excessively and unpredictably.
People with hyperhidrosis have overactive sweat glands and may sweat even when the temperature is cool or when they are at rest. 
Sweating is natural and  helps the body stay cool. People sweat more in warm temperatures, when they exercise, or in response to situations that make them nervous, angry, embarrassed, or afraid. However, excessive sweating can occur without such triggers. 
The uncontrollable sweating can lead to significant discomfort, both physically and emotionally. When excessive sweating affects the hands, feet and armpits, it is called primary or focal hyperhidrosis. 
In the majority of primary hyperhidrosis cases, no cause can be found. 
It seems to run in families. If the sweating occurs as a result of another medical condition, it is called secondary hyperhidrosis. 
The sweating may be all over the body, or in one area. Conditions that cause second hyperhidrosis include cancer, lung disease and heart disease, among others. See a doctor for diagnosis.

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