He says...She says...

May 25, 2012

Men: women should share half the bill. Women: I can’t believe men are still confused about who should pay the bill!

He says...


First, let me start by congratulating the feminist movement. They have done a very good job at emancipating our formerly down-trodden sisters. They are now driving most of the big-butt cars in Kampala, talking crap to men without breaking a sweat and banking obese paychecks.

That’s a whole load of progress if you asked me. However, the emancipation movement kind of forgot one detail. Women still do not foot the bills on dates or outings! Shocking yes? I know, I agree with you. You would think that the emancipation movement has done a lot, then this small matter of footing the restaurant bill squeezes in and bloats their crisp image.

Mbu equal treatment at work, at school and in leadership, but they forget all this equality stuff in restaurants, nightclubs and hotels. Women need to move on. These are times of equal opportunity. Yeah, yeah, I know what some of you are thinking, that I am cheap. That’s true, I am cheap. If I am going to be footing the bill, you had better be drinking mineral water and a chapati!

I mean, you have just met a chick five minutes ago and she expects you to buy for her a drink! Crazy! As if she has been in contact with your bank prior to your meeting and knows your financial health. Why shouldn’t she be the one buying the drink? I thought relationships are give and take? Why does it always have to be the guy giving? If we want to set up non-profit organisations, we know where the registrar of companies is.

And these chicks have a lot of excuses to defend their ‘bad manners’. Mbu, we are supposed to be gentlemen, it shows you value them, it’s a man’s duty to take care of a woman and the list is as long as the traffic jam caused by women drivers on Ntinda Road! Gentlemen are an urban legend and a myth and a preserve for sissies! It is my duty not to be broke or poor… you do not help!

The way forward is that, women should share half of the bill or even just take care of all of it! After all, it is them who order fancy things with names in foreign languages, men stick to the English words on the menu. It is still them who chomp massive amounts of fast food. And so, to my sweet mamacita (my girl) from Ntungamo, it is your time of reckoning, one day you might have to wash plates or peel potatoes in a restaurant when I walk out on you with an unpaid bill! Once again, namalayo!


She says...


I can’t believe men are still confused about who should pay the bill! Every time a man goes like, “Women are emancipated, so they should pay for dinner”, I roll my eyes and my face crumples up with hate that bubbles up from my pores and escapes through my skin.

If there are people who specialise in punching a massive number of people, I would single-handedly keep them in business by paying them to break the teeth of every man, who thinks it’s okay to ask a woman out, enjoy her company and then have her pay for half of or the entire meal, simply because we live in an era where women are emancipated. What cheapskates! Who told you people that when activists were fighting for women’s emancipation, they were actually looking to liberate men from their responsibilities? I am sorry, but emancipation doesn’t stretch as far as encouraging men to stop taking care of their women.

Women were emancipated so that they could be set free from restraints, subjection and prejudices set by tradition. It wasn’t about role changing. Look for another excuse to justify your cheap and ‘ungentlemanly’ behaviour.

Also, aren’t you the same men who are insulted and embarrassed if a woman insists on taking care of the bill? Mbu it makes you feel as if you are being bought or patronised, as if you can’t afford it. Let me tell you, not only is not paying for your woman’s meal ‘ungentlemanly’, it actually hurts your odds of ending up with her!

Paying puts you firmly into the provider territory if you are competing for the long-term boyfriend or husband role. When you pay for dates with your woman, you show her that you can take better care of her than any other man. Let’s stick to the old fashioned way. None of that let’s-split-the-bill crap. There are certain things society will never resurrect from, even if it’s a new century.

I really do not get why women should be forced to pick the tab, because to be honest, the only time a woman should be coerced into having to pay for the meal is if the man just happens not to have any or enough money.

If you want to go somewhere with a woman, but you are not financially secure, then she can pay. If you want her to pay for both your meals or for something that you want, then all you have to do is ask her. There is no need to get uptight. It’s simple, if chivalry means nothing to you, and you just don’t want to pay for your woman’s meal, eat alone.

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