Help, my husband is sleeping with my daughter

Apr 10, 2012

My first daughter from my first marriage is now 19 and is sleeping with my husband. I have proof.

WHILE still at school, I married my teacher who died two years later and left me with two children. I got another man with whom I have four children. 

My first daughter from my first marriage is now 19 and is sleeping with my husband. I have proof.
THIS is now a big issue among male parents with their step-daughters.
Although this girl is actually not related to your husband by blood, but out of courtesy and respect, he should regard her as his own. It is a pity that even the girl does not look at him as ‘daddy’.
This is where you need to go back and see if there was anything you missed out during parenting, lest the same thing happens to your other children. The easier person to bring back to her senses might be the girl.
Have you talked to her or you are  still in shock and lost? If you live around Kampala, please come to me for help.
I want to warn you to take  serious care of his other daughters, since he has proved himself to be irresponsible. It is now your time to put your shock and pain aside, and do the thinking for these people who are both very close to you, before the girl bears your husband’s child.
 Talk to them candidly and let them know that you are aware of what they are doing. Plan your talk carefully and calmly.
 You should have a strong support group, preferably your family and /or friends that you might have to fall back to in case things do not work out the way you want.
Have  an ultimatum before you talk to them and fulfill it when things do not go the way you want.
Talk candidly to both of them separately and then together and hear if there is one who is willing to stop.
Encourage your daughter to leave your home, even if you strongly believe that it will be much easier for them to continue.
Surely, it is less heartbreaking to sleep somewhere else and not in your house and maybe your bed.
Involve family members who like, respect and wish to protect their family.
If all the above fails, you might have to consider leaving them both to continue with their a_ air since you are the only one who is bothered by this relationship.
How to help children identify a sex abuser
Explain to them from a tender age that their private parts are private and no one should touch them.
Always talk to them about sex. Explain what it is, what it was created for, who should do it and when it should be done.
Make sure they are bathed by people of the same sex.
Keep an eye on how close the father is to the children and do not ignore anything suspicious you might see.
Tell the children to trust nobody with their bodies, even their dad, they are private and should be kept so.
 Answer their questions about sex candidly and quickly before someone else does it for you.
Be friends with them and talk about everything about their lives.
Always take the initiative.


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