Famous 2009 sex studies

Jan 01, 2010

Sex or its science is a rarely researched topic.

Sex or its science is a rarely researched topic. As we review 2009, we should applaud research that scientists put across to the intimate world. Lovers need to know their behavioural traits when subjected to different stimuli.

1. smells
According to a study in The Journal of Neuroscience, a man’s sweat smells different when he’s sexually aroused — and women can tell the difference between the smell of sexual sweat and the regular stuff - only subconsciously.

2. risks
Researchers at the University of Nottingham discovered that men who are very sexually active in their 20s and 30s - especially those who masturbate frequently - are at higher risk of getting prostate cancer. But that risk decreases as a man ages, and once he is in his 50s, even small levels of sexual activity can help protect him from the disease.

3. Abstinence
According to research published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology, women who hold out on sex are acting on a biological impulse to find more suitable providers - and men are waiting to prove that they are up to the challenge.

4. Role reversal
Men feel more guilty following sexual infidelity while women feel worse after emotional unfaithfulness, research by Prof. Maryanne Fisher of St. Mary’s University in Halifax, Canada, revealed.

5. House work
The Journal of Family Issues published a study that showed a direct relationship between the amount of housework and the frequency of sex. The results showed that both wives and husbands who spend more time doing work together report more frequent sex than couples where the husband leaves the work to his wife.

6. Women
Research by Prof. Cindy Meston and Prof. David Buss, authors of Why Women Have Sex revealed that women have more reasons than love for sleeping with a man and physical attraction ranks much lower. The reasons include relieving boredom, ‘curing’ a headache and keeping peace in a relationship, among others. Experts have suggested that the only natural reason for women to go for sex is love.

7. Love keeps us young
Researchers, led by Bianca Acevedo, at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York stated that romantic love triggers lasting brain activity which contributed to the brain health and delay of age-related inconveniences on the brain resulting from less activity and being docile.

8. intelligence
A UK cross-sectional study that compared the emotional intelligence and frequency of orgasms in over 2,000 women concluded that intelligent women have better sex. Andrea Burri and colleagues from King’s College, London, based their research on a theory that normal variations in emotional intelligence could affect a woman’s ability to communicate her desires to her partner and her sexual functioning. The study was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Sexual Medicine.

9. duration
US and Canadian sex therapists Eric Corty and Jenay Guardiani revealed in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine that satisfactory sexual intercourse should last from 3 to 13 minutes, not counting foreplay, contrary to popular fantasy about the need for hours of sex.

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