Africans are dying in many ways

Jan 12, 2010

EDITOR—The Nigerian author, Ben Okri in his book, <i>A Way of Being Free</i>, says, “There are many ways to die, and not all of them have to do with extinction. A lot of them have to do with living. Living many lies.

EDITOR—The Nigerian author, Ben Okri in his book, A Way of Being Free, says, “There are many ways to die, and not all of them have to do with extinction. A lot of them have to do with living. Living many lies.

Living without asking questions. Living in the cave of your own prejudices. Living the life imposed on you, the dreams and codes of your ancestors.”

I quite
agree with him. Okri did not make specific reference to any nation, race or continent. But any time I read this piece, it seems to me as if he is addressing Africans. Because I think Africans are dying in so many ways, in ways that many of them do not know. And some of them who know but do not care.

Or they think that the situation is too bad to make a change. Africans are dying but have not gone into extinction, and may not in the foreseeable future. So Africans are dying while they are living. Sounds like a contradiction? No, not at all.

As Okri says, dying in this case has to do with living. Africans are dying because Africans are living many lies, living without asking questions. I would like to explain this further. Africans are dying because they are afraid of being themselves, of living their own lives, and of
asserting their own uniqueness and originality.

Many people are living under illusions and deceptions. The real tragedy is that over the years, these
lies and illusions have been institutionalised and normalised to the extent
that no one dares change them or challenge them. They have become a way of life!

Many people are unwilling to tell the truth, face the truths and live
the truths about themselves.Since independence, most countries in Africa have not made significant progress because Africans have been living in the paradise of lies—lies about why they fought for independence and opposed
colonial rule; lies about why they want democracy and self-government.

African economies have been in tatters because Africans and their leaders
have been living many lies about their ability to manage their resources and
about whom to hold responsible—erstwhile colonialists or our homegrown dictators and inept politicians—for the mismanagement and underdevelopment in the region.

Africans are dying because most people have refused to ask questions about
themselves, about the policies, programmes, institutions, and ideologies that guide and govern their lives. Many people in Africa have refrained from
critically examining their cultures, religions and traditions even when
there is an obvious need for critical evaluation and revision! Instead,
people prefer holding onto already made answers and solutions, even when
these answers no longer answer their questions. And these solutions no
longer solve their problems.

Many Africans are afraid of asking questions
because they think when they do so, they will die or they will lose the
little privilege they enjoy —not knowing that the real death or loss is in
not asking questions, in swallowing everything hook, line and sinker. So
Africans are dying because in most communities virtue lies not in critical
inquiry or examined life but in a life of dogma, blind faith and conformism.

Africans continue to judge themselves by the values of those who see nothing good in them!

Leo Igwe

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