King Oyo to take charge of Tooro kingdom

Jan 28, 2010

TOORO Kingdom has begun massive preparations for celebrations to mark Rukirabasaija Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV’s official take over and 18th birthday anniversary. His majesty succeeded his father, King Olimi Kaboyo II, and was enthroned at the age of three, on September 11, 1995, becoming

Namara A. Araali

TOORO Kingdom has begun massive preparations for celebrations to mark Rukirabasaija Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV’s official take over and 18th birthday anniversary.

His majesty succeeded his father, King Olimi Kaboyo II, and was enthroned at the age of three, on September 11, 1995, becoming the youngest reigning monarch in the world.

The Batooro cherish and regard their king as the “fountain of honour and esteem and are happy that he is taking charge of his kingdom in April 2010. Since his enthronement, his official functions have been carried out by appointed regents.

Tooro Kingdom appreciates the invaluable contribution of the Queen Mother, Omujwera Best Olumi Kemigisa Akiiki, for her parental care in raising his majesty.

In the culture of Tooro, the social welfare of the family revolves around the mother. The role of the Queen Mother has been real, extensive and satisfactory.

The kingdom supplements efforts of the Government in mobilisation of society through clan structures. Upholding culture, fostering reforms in economic production and transforming the kingdom and its people to work towards a vibrant self-supporting society, are high on the kingdom’s agenda.

Like many other societies, Tooro Kingdom has had its challenges, but as one man may hit the mark and another blunder, I call upon all the Batooro to forget all those distinctions. Only from the alliance of the one, working with and through the other are great things born. United we stand, divided we fall.

Tooro Kingdom was born in 1830 when Prince Olimi Kaboyo Kasunsunkwanzi, son of king Kyebambe Nyamutukura of Bunyoro-Kitara, led a successful secession from Bunyoro–Kitara kingdom.

Since the secession from Bunyoro-Kitara in 1830, Tooro Kingdom has had 11 kings, including the reigning king Oyo Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV. We look forward to working with everyone to make this day indelible in our memories.

The writer is Tooro Kingdom’s minister of information

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