Boy’s night out is not the problem, it’s how you spend it that is

Mar 19, 2010

ON March 6, Total Man run an article about boys needing time with other boys to watch football, drink beer and discuss politics. It was inexcusable that men claimed women complain a lot about the boys’ night, yet they only do so when given reason to.


ON March 6, Total Man run an article about boys needing time with other boys to watch football, drink beer and discuss politics. It was inexcusable that men claimed women complain a lot about the boys’ night, yet they only do so when given reason to.

Usually boys’ nights out are suspect. Joe, 28, is in a new relationship with his girlfriend, but when he goes out with the boys, they usually go to bars and check out girls.

Sometimes they end up in a nightclub and then he returns home with different girls’ numbers. He claims he does not go out looking for them, but sometimes soccer stops being interesting and the bars are full of girls who are wearing almost nothing.

If your woman is complaining about your boys’ nights out, that’s because you probably get home at 5:00am, passed out and your friends have to carry you in. It could also be that you wake up the next morning with a hangover, or she has received a few calls from women on your phone after these nights out.

There are times when boys’ night out is not just one night in a month, or even one night in a week. Then we are justified to ask you to stay home for once or take us out on a date.

Grace, 28, says her boyfriend has an unhealthy relationship with his friends. They hang out everyday after work, saying they are having a drink while they wait for the traffic to ease up. On weekends she hardly sees him because he is out with the boys.

Paul, engaged, says the reason guys hang out more with the boys than spend time with their girlfriends is because the clock on their freedom is ticking. “I want to have as much fun as possible in these last few months before I’m locked down for life,” he intones.

Women are not that innocent either. Patricia, 32, married with two children, says whenever she meets a group of men when she’s on her girls’ night out, girls do not pay for their drinks. Men are more eager to spend money on their drinks than buying their wives dinner at a nice restaurant.

Patricia says these men see her wedding band and they too are married, but they still offer to buy her and her friends drinks. They even go ahead and ask for Patricia’s and her friends’ numbers. “I think that’s why I get suspicious when my husband wants to go for a boys’ night out and I follow him,” she says.

Many campus girls concur with Patricia. They say they hit on married men when they go out to the bars or nightclubs.

“They are the ones we target because they cannot take you home at the end of the night, but they will buy you drinks and give you a ride home,” says Priscilla, 26 and single.

Men need their time away from the home and so do women. They need to bond with other people. However, it should be structured and not excessive.

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