Mulago staff really impressed me

Apr 02, 2010

I was impressed to see doctors and nurses volunteering to clean the hospital during the cleaners’ sit-down strike.

I was impressed to see doctors and nurses volunteering to clean the hospital during the cleaners’ sit-down strike.

The picture confirmed what I have always believed, namely that the majority of the medical staff at Mulago do really care for patients and try to do a good job amidst very trying circumstances.

It is rare for cleaners to strike. Often it is the doctors who threaten to go on strike, although when they do they find themselves in a difficult ethical position —drawing attention to their working conditions and feeling that they are letting down the patients if they lay down their tools.

Anyone who knows anything about the hospital would value immensely the different categories of workers in it. Dr Edward Dumba, the Executive Director of Mulago Hospital, has written to explain that non-payment of the cleaners’ wages was beyond the control of the hospital and puts the responsibility squarely on the Ministry of Finance.

They should be ashamed of themselves. For goodness sake, these cleaners get a paltry
sh60,000 per month, and someone delays to pay them even that! I read the news as we approached the Christian Holy Week dedicated to the memory of Christ’s suffering.

I felt that Jesus Christ was right there with the cleaners in their plight and struggling to be paid for their wages. It is actions such as those which speak to us during Holy Week.

Rev Amos Kasibante
United Kingdom

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