My sister misses her doses

May 16, 2010

TAKING ARVs in their right doses and at the right time as prescribed by a clinician, is known as adherence and very important for the success of antiretroviral therapy (ART).

Face HIV with Dr. Watiti

Dear doctor,


Dear Lyn,
TAKING ARVs in their right doses and at the right time as prescribed by a clinician, is known as adherence and very important for the success of antiretroviral therapy (ART).

That is why it is important that all people living with HIV (PLHIV) undergo comprehensive adherence counselling before starting to take these drugs.
It could be that when your sister started taking ARVs, she was very sick and so was highly motivated to take them.

However when she improved, the motivation reduced hence missing some doses without feeling guilty.

We also need to look for factors in her life which might be causing that. These include her relationship with her health care provider and the social support she has at home.

Her level of education is also important because she may not have comprehended the instructions given to her at the beginning of the treatment. The others could be mental illness especially depression or alcohol abuse and her beliefs which may be giving her conflicting instructions.

Lastly, we need to see that the environment she lives and works in is stigma-free because stigma makes PLHIV feel ashamed hence stopping to take drugs regularly.

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