What is your take on the basketball revolution?

Sep 02, 2010

THE game is so interesting. Players score every minute, unlike those other games where scores end up in draws. Every one around is styled up, it just feels good to have fun in a decent environment and safe place.

THE game is so interesting. Players score every minute, unlike those other games where scores end up in draws. Every one around is styled up, it just feels good to have fun in a decent environment and safe place.
Dorcus Nambozo Kyambogo university

My friends who are die hard
basketball fans introduced me to the game. I never miss any game because the court is conveniently located for me, the class of people around and way of having fun all match up to the standards.
Fred Kyanzi, Lecturer YMCA

I enjoy hanging out with my family,
screaming with my sister and
friends, then those blazing jams, the warm up lay ups and watching the well-built players on court, especially whenever its power playing.
Dorcus Mirembe, Makerere University

Ever since they revolutionalised the game, I only see music on court. I appears like the players are just dancing to the tunes and where there is music, trust me there is more than fun.
Raba Daba, artiste

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