Repentance comes first

Oct 13, 2010

EDITOR: Last Saturday, the Government organised yet another national prayer-breakfast. This is one in the latest trends of political leaders organising and presiding over prayer ceremonies.

EDITOR: Last Saturday, the Government organised yet another national prayer-breakfast. This is one in the latest trends of political leaders organising and presiding over prayer ceremonies.

Whereas prayer is a commendable gesture, the problem with such prayers is that they are short of repentance. Politicians come and say very nice things on these prayer breakfasts but do not change their ways! The Word of God is very clear: "God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will” (John 9: 31).

The whole nation is busy praying and sinning, while enjoying breakfast. God does not listen to the prayers of a wicked person unless it is preceded by repentance. Because there is no repentance, many of these prayer sessions do not seem to change anything.

Before praying, it would better, for example, to spend the money that is used on useless political activities to support at least 4,500 children living with HIV/AIDS at Mildmay Uganda. This facility is faced with closure due to lack of financial support!

It would be nice to use the taxpayer's money to seal the potholes on Kampala streets and impassable roads. The money could also be used to clean the voters’ register of ghosts.
Francis Kintu

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