Having women in influential positions will lead to fast devt

Dec 28, 2010

I agree with women activists who are asking the President to give them influential positions in Government; where they can make and influence policies and bring about development.

By P. Beetunguura

Teacher, evangelist, psychologist – counsellor, and PhD student in development education

I agree with women activists who are asking the President to give them influential positions in Government; where they can make and influence policies and bring about development.

Women are loving mothers and can be godly, altruistic, patriotic, hard working and faithful in executing their duties.

Women exhibit love and this love cuts across the nation in families and places of work. This great love of service can be tapped for our nation’s quick development, when godly, altruistic women are well positioned.

Social psychologists use the term pro-social behaviour to refer to actions that people engage in that help others and foster the well being of others. In this line, many social psychologists agree that women make the biggest percentage in helping others to live a better life.

Women greatly share love, knowledge, skills, time, resources, foods, clothes, labour, advice and prayers with others to help them have a better life. Many women help others for no reward. They can be labelled selfless and patriotic.

Women are people who quickly and easily give a listening ear to the deprived, marginalised, stressed, the needy, the sick and the poor. Women are ranked as the best counsellors and educationists. Many women head teachers, administrators, political leaders, counsellors, teachers, doctors and nurses have done a lot in changing people’s lives for development.

Women quickly come to the rescue of orphans, the needy, the sick and the poor. I personally testify to this fact. Since 1977, I have cared for over 700 orphans and needy children by providing them with school fees and school requirements. However, Very many times, I face financial burdens, including debts and loans as I care for these citizens. Recently, I realised that 97% of those people that assist these children are women who are not rich, but are godly, full of love and care.

President Yoweri Museveni calls love (LCM) Lowest Common Multiple for all believers and I agree with him.

Many women work for the common good. The best example is on women feeding all children, even those who misbehave and do not contribute to family development.

More so, women are not big thieves. In my 32 years of service both in the Government and in church, I have worked with many people and have observed that women are not “big thieves.” The greatest scandals involving stealing money in Uganda, such as CHOGM and Global Funds involve men who are even reasonably rich. In many organisations and communities, women are now taking responsibilities of finance administrators because they are honest.

However, they get influenced to small stealing by chairmen who are mostly men. Women do not steal to please men, just as men steal to impress, support and please women and their personal and family needs. May be women indirectly steal by putting too many demands to their husbands and lovers. But all in all, women seem to exhibit a spirit of honesty, transparency and faithfulness which values are cherished for national development.

Women and poverty
It is clear that the majority of the poor people are women. Their poverty basically stems from deprivation of land, power and authority in families and places of work.

Secondly, society leaders and heads of families have always marginalised, humiliated, downtrodden and piled a lot of negative thoughts on women. Unfortunately, many women have believed all negative comments that are made about them.

However, this trend can change. It is indeed changing in Uganda due to the NRM governance and President Yoweri Museveni’s leadership.

It is now time for the President to double his efforts and correctly position godly, altruistic women of quality leadership to influential and policy making positions. This will ensure quick results in national development in the next few generations.

As long as the spread of poverty, particularly among women, continues unchecked, there can be no quick meaningful national development.

Women’s spiritual development
Spiritual development greatly contributes to quick national development. The best example is from the US where the Puritans helped in development.

It is evident to all that the majority of women try their best to develop spiritually. They seem to have great trust in God, where it may be hard for some men. A good example in this country is the First Lady who works in faith and acts with God. Results in Karamoja and Ruhaama are visible. One time, I met a leader from Karamoja and he said: “God has finally remembered Karamoja through Janet Museveni.”

Therefore, we should all support the women. Women have the stamina, capacity and altruistic hearts to transform productive resources (human and material) into great power if only they are correctly guided, guarded, properly facilitated and positioned.

Stability and conducive environment for women in real positions to influence development will see Uganda transformed.

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