ICT ministry leaves a lot to be desired

Dec 29, 2010

EDITOR: As a person interested in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) , I was more than excited when the Government introduced the ICT ministry.

EDITOR: As a person interested in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) , I was more than excited when the Government introduced the ICT ministry.

In my mind, I knew that service delivery would improve especially in the public service sector where service delivery is usually at a snail's pace. I thought that the ministry would roll out application software in various departments where a click here and there would produce a result or at least satisfactory information to someone making an inquiry.

Among the things that I anxiuosly anticipated, was the national database where details of every resident of Uganda would be stored. The details would of course include blood type, eye colour, finger prints, dental formulae and other areas that would help in identification of indivuduals.

For example, many children are dumped in dustbins and their parentage cannot be traced. I am sure it would be easier to trace the parents of a dumped child using DNA matching with the people in the database. Some of these are able-bodied men out there who go around raping women, impregnating them and taking off, leaving the poor woman with no option but to dump the kid somewhere.

With the database in place, it would be to trace the culprit. I know it is not easy to record all people in Uganda into a national database, but it can be achieved gradually.

A countrywide campaign can be carried out like it was for voter registration. I am sure after a period of five years, this can be achieved and then we can continue with newborn children. What is the Ministry of ICT for?
John Luke Tambiti

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