Buganda’s good example: Use the law!

Jan 31, 2003

SIR— There has been slow turn-up for the Constitution Review Commission Seminars. The chairman of The Commission Prof Fred Ssempebwa is quoted as saying that 70% of the work is finished and that the report will be ready by June.

SIR— There has been slow turn-up for the Constitution Review Commission Seminars. The chairman of The Commission Prof Fred Ssempebwa is quoted as saying that 70% of the work is finished and that the report will be ready by June.

The Mengo government has presented its repot to the CRC in which it has demanded for federo. We are yet to see a similar move by the multi-partyists, the formists, rebels, etc. The political leaders should follow theconstitutional framework in place in order to get the amendments they are demanding.

Furthermore, agitators for a third term for the President should give convincing reasons why President Museveni should get a third term. Likewise those opposed to the third term should give their views why the incumbent should not get the third term.

Shouting and inciting the population against the government just because these leaders want to rule is political immaturity. CRC should be given adequate publicity in order for Ugandans to present their views. Institution building is a gradual process; if the process is rushed we are bound to have serious problems in future.

The government should have a constructive engagement with the opposition in order to harmonise their views on the future course of our politics. My considered opinion here is that political and economic reforms should be carried out within the existing constitutional framework.

Therefore the opposition politicians should stop inciting Ugandans. Rather they should present their views to CRC
in a report form as Mengo
has done.

E.F. Kahuma
Fort Portal

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