Male teachers scare me

Apr 20, 2003

COUNSELLING CORNER:<br>Dear Counsellor,<br>I am 16-year-old girl in S.3. I have a problem with male teachers; a problem which I have experienced since my childhood. Whenever a male teacher comes to class I just find myself freezing and overwhelmed with fear


Dear Counsellor,
I am 16-year-old girl in S.3. I have a problem with male teachers; a problem which I have experienced since my childhood. Whenever a male teacher comes to class I just find myself freezing and overwhelmed with fear.

In fact the mere sight of a male teacher even without a stick scares me stiff. I do not feel free to ask or answer questions in class. This has affected my performance especially in subjects taught by male teachers.

What can I do to overcome this problem? I need some help.

B.T- Busia

Dear B.T,

Your problem needs urgent attention. There are specific issues we should look into before you can be helped.

What kind of childhood did you go through? There are chances that you had a nasty or a traumatising experience in the hands of a male person during your childhood.

Your fear of male teachers might therefore be a sign of post-traumatic syndrome. Please see a trained counsellor for face to face counselling.

This problem might later affect your social relationship with members of the opposite sex if it is not addressed early.

The counsellor will help you to appreciate male teachers as harmless and not as beasts.

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