Let education ministry get serious!

May 06, 2003

SIR— The Ministry of Education should get serious over the issue of quota system. I refer to an article in The New Vision of Friday, May 2, “Education suspends quota admissions”.

SIR— The Ministry of Education should get serious over the issue of quota system. I refer to an article in The New Vision of Friday, May 2, “Education suspends quota admissions”. After creating excitement in students who had got hope of joining government universities by the quota system this academic year, the ministry has disappointed them. This follows an excuse by the Commissioner for Higher Education, Mr Yeko Achato, that the system can’t take off due to ongoing consultations. The ministry should have done these consultations before confirming to the respective universities that the system will kick off with the 2003/2004 academic year. Now Makerere University has called for private students applications before government-sponsored students are admitted. This leaves many students who thought they were going to be admitted puzzled. In case they are sponsored by the Government, will the university pay the costs incurred in applying?

Joseph Kwizera

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