Kony is merely looking for a way to prove himself, but in vain!

Jun 28, 2003

SIR— Currently, there is talk among many politicians, especially in the opposition, that Joseph Kony’s LRA is soon overpowering the UPDF.

SIR— Currently, there is talk among many politicians, especially in the opposition, that Joseph Kony’s LRA is soon overpowering the UPDF.
In my view, the UPDF is fighting a group of people who have no target but who would in the long-run want publicity.
Kony is facing great odds in the north and the easiest option has been to relocate to another area like Teso, where it is easy to get survival logistics like food, and where he can attack health facilities to get medicines. Those politicians who have gone into collaboration with Kony by saying that the LRA is stronger must by now know that Kony is looking for a way of diverting the UPDF from Acholiland.
At present Kony needs more captives to beef up his forces since he is now in a much weaker position than he was a year ago.
And because the UPDF has been so tough on him, Kony has had to cross over to Teso
targeting the UPDF’s military equipment like the helicopters in Teso.

Rtd Sgt John Erimu

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