Housemates disappointed with first African task

Aug 27, 2003

As BBA draws to a close (and this is only the second last week) housemates seem to have lost the drive and passion for life in the house. Could it be, as Warona said in her Diary session on Tuesday that, “Everyone wants to leave now?”

By Sebidde Kiryowa

As BBA draws to a close (and this is only the second last week) housemates seem to have lost the drive and passion for life in the house. Could it be, as Warona said in her Diary session on Tuesday that, “Everyone wants to leave now?”

Talk about the end of BBA brings back the inevitable subject of voting and who should leave. I have received quite a number of interesting correspondences on the same and everyone seems to have a different game plan.

Elsewhere, some radio presenters seem to think that voting out Tapuwa would do the trick and tell their listeners so.

But, whatever our opinions, it is not wise for Ugandan BBA enthusiasts to send txt messages detailing strategies and conspiracies against other countries’ housemates to the BBA TV screen as has happened in some instances.

This can seriously jeopardise Gae’s chances of bringing home the $100,000, because viewers across Africa take those particular viewpoints as Uganda’s official stand. This can spark off counter voting from voters in the concerned countries and their allies.

Ugandan BBA fans can still utilise other fora like local FM radio stations and other chat rooms or print media and TV to communicate their stance. It is a critical time in the game and every vote counts. Gae fans ought to tread carefully.

Meanwhile, back in the house, this week’s contemporary tribal dance task could be the reason for less enthusiasm amongst the housemates.

They watched major South African traditional dance forms like Nmdlamu, the Zulu war dance and Famo, the Basotho combat dance on video on Tuesday.s

Also shown was the Xhosa vibrating warrior movement, Mnxhentso. Sounds interesting for a long awaited African task, but the housemates have had it with dancing. As Stefan said, the task is, “boring and redundant. We’ve done dance sequences before.”

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