Healthy options for lunch

Sep 03, 2003

YOU have finally resolved to lose those extra pounds and your eating habits are okay when you are at home. But what do you do when you forget to pack lunch or get stuck in a high-calorie catered meeting? It is harder to stay on track when you are at the mercy of other people’s food!

By Anagela Wiltshire

YOU have finally resolved to lose those extra pounds and your eating habits are okay when you are at home. But what do you do when you forget to pack lunch or get stuck in a high-calorie catered meeting? It is harder to stay on track when you are at the mercy of other people’s food!

Keeping a watch over your eating discipline matters. If you have decided that eating fatty foods will jeopardise your efforts to reduce those extra kilos, there are no short-cuts, you have to abide by the rules.

So how do you keep from falling off the bandwagon? Here are some guidelines to help you reach your goal:

-Watch your portions – Eating is largely about portion control. Have your chicken and fill the rest of your plate with steamed veggies. It is healthy to eat a balanced diet, but remember your diet must not be messed up with in the process.

-Look at the preparation – In the lunch line, skip any fried, greasy, foods that will make you feel weighed-down in the afternoon. Instead, head for the grilled or steamed dishes. Choose lean sources of protein, such as chicken or fish. If breading or creamy sauces are unavoidable, then scrape them off and add lemon juice, salt and pepper instead. Alternatively, spice it up – many flavourful options such as mustard, soy sauce and vinegar are healthy.

-Go for lean – When it comes to sandwiches from the bakery, again, stick to leaner cuts of meats and steer clear of high-fat mayonnaise and similar salad dressings. Use mustard instead. Choose whole wheat bread that is high in fibre, over white bread.

-Soup it up – Soup is a great option. It is warming, filling and perfect for cold weather. Minestrone, lentil, tomato and other vegetable soups are good choices and cream of anything soups do not have to be off-limits – just reduce your portions and team them up with a healthy fresh salad.
-Veggies are good – They are ideal streamed, raw or grilled. Eat a big salad, but watch high – calorie loaded additions like cheese and oily dressings. Fresh fruit salads also make a refreshing, choice.

Many individuals are quite lazy when it comes to fixing a quick pack for their lunches at work. Sacrificing an extra 30 minutes of sleep is a pain to most. But hey, remember you are saving yourself the trouble of unwanted fat.

A chicken, fish or lean beef sandwich with freshly squeezed fruit juice or a piece of fruit make a wholesome meal. Please note that the juice must be fresh and not artificial. This is because there are not enough nutrients in artificial juice.You could also pack a banana, a vegetable salad and juice. Mix a teaspoonful of olive with the juice of one large lemon salt and pepper. Shaken the mixture up in a small bottle and add it to the salad, just before you eat it.

Should you forget to pack anything, go in for low-calorie alternatives and munch away without feeling guilty.

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