Minister, MP Fight For Mic

Oct 17, 2003

Hon. Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya, the state minister for Agriculture is clearly a man whose life is full of drama.

Hon. Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya, the state minister for Agriculture is clearly a man whose life is full of drama. Last Friday, the minister scrambled over a microphone with Hon. Patrick Musisi, MP for Busiro South. The two were at the burial ceremony of Dr. Kibalama, the late associate dean of agriculture, MUK at Lubanyi, Bira on Mityana Road.
When the emcee invited an area leader to address the mourners, both responded. The MC, however, denied Dr Kibirge the microphone, insisting he specifically wanted an area leader.
Gratified, Musisi, grabbed the mic while Dr. Ssebunya, stood right behind him, impatiently awaiting his turn. But Musisi’s speech was no eulogy and Dr Sebunya took chance to blast him: “instead of campaigning for UPE, this man is campaigning for D.P!” he said, to the mourners’ amazement.

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