URA doesn’t transact illegal business at CBC

Mar 12, 2009

EDITOR—The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) appreciates the concern of a taxpayer who wrote on Wednesday who wrote complaining about operations at the Customs Business Centre (CBC).

EDITOR—The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) appreciates the concern of a taxpayer who wrote on Wednesday who wrote complaining about operations at the Customs Business Centre (CBC) and wishes to respond as follows:

URA conducts business only with licensed customs agents and lists are displayed at the notice board of CBC at the beginning of every calendar year.

They can also be obtained on our website www.ugarevenue.com.
The public is encouraged to read the lists and utilise the licensed agents.

For easy identification of licensed customs agents; URA is in the process of obtaining electronic Customs Agent Passes which will be able to detect a licensed customs agent instantly through an electronic reader system. Business at CBC is conducted through customs agents across counters and no one is permitted inside CBC except on special request and approval.

Additionally a screen monitor was mounted outside CBC to specifically assist clients know the status of their declarations during business transactions, and avoid crowding offices.

URA does not transact illegal business at CBC, and the public is encouraged to seek guidance on procedures or more information by using our toll-free line – 0800117000 or contact 0417442080 / 0414334477.

Sarah Birungi Banage
Assistant Commissioner
Public and Corporate Affairs
Uganda Revenue Authority

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