Together we can stop immorality

Apr 28, 2009

The rate at which morals are deteriorating in Uganda is high. There are many reasons for this, but my request to the ethics and integrity minister, Nsaba Buturo is to set up measures to control this vice.

Hezron Kirabo

The rate at which morals are deteriorating in Uganda is high. There are many reasons for this, but my request to the ethics and integrity minister, Nsaba Buturo is to set up measures to control this vice.

He should devise means of controlling the media, especially broadcasting centres. The Uganda Broadcasting Cooperation is the first station the minister should moderate. In this era where children are free to tune in to any show of their choice, one wonders what kind of future generation we are grooming.

It is now holidays and many young ones are at home, where viewing of an television programme is neither restricted nor rationed because their parents are at work.

Tender brains, are photographic. They easily retain all that is recorded on the discs. The young generation is bound to take up habits that are harmful to tomorrow’s Uganda. Our meditations are guided by what we see and hear, and both actions and words are born of the mind.

We ought, therefore, to carefully guard our hearts and minds, for from them flows the springs of life. My plea is that the ethics minister acts quickly.

He should be assisted by the Parliament. The august house should lay out stringent rules that should act as guidelines to our growing broadcasting firms. Some of the guidelines should stipulate what the TV presenters dress like and which songs and movies should be aired at what time.

It is upsetting that the Government-owned Uganda Broadcasting Cooperation is leading in airing immoral films, documentaries like those on homosexuality and nude women.

The applause accorded the various artists because of the way they dress has a significant bearing on the young generation.

Soon the young people will think that the way artists dress is acceptable in society. Let our media houses not misguide the masses.

If we carelessly handle the roles we ought to play, our negligence is bound to increase the already terrible rate of immorality.

The writer is a teacher at Kirojo College Nakasongola

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